The attached ZIP contains an XForms document, a
separate instance file, and the XML Schema used to
generate the instance file using Altova XMLSpy 5.
After generating the instance, I manually changed all
the elements with datatype XS:ID to be unique. The file
is well-formed and valid according to XMLSpy.
The attached files render fine in Chiba. However, the
rendering in DENG stops at step 1/4. Here's the debug
CDom.load: moi.xhtml
CDom.load: file:///i:/XForms/moi.xhtml
CDom.onLoad: document loaded [success:true, status:0,
CDom.init: initializing, prepare parsing css
CDom.init: parsePIs []
XMLNode.resolveNamespaces: namespace registered: xhtml
XMLNode.resolveNamespaces: namespace registered: xfr
XMLNode.resolveNamespaces: namespace registered: ev
XMLNode.resolveNamespaces: namespace registered: xforms
XMLNode.resolveNamespaces: namespace registered: xs
XMLNode.resolveNamespaces: namespace registered: xsi
XMLNode.resolveNamespaces: namespace registered: moi
Loading instance: file:///i:/XForms/input.xml
XMLNode.resolveNamespaces: namespace cleared: 0
XMLNode.resolveNamespaces: namespace cleared: 0
CDom.init: done [630ms]
CDom.cssInit: no stylesheets found
CDom.cssParse: done [selectors:0, declarations:0]
After some seconds of stand-still, I'm asked whether
the script should be allowed to continue. Even if I let
it, it doesn't ever seem to get any further.
According to the comment in the first part of the
XForms, I have tried to exchange the xhtml namespace
URI to the "old" one. This changes nothing.
In the directory where I'm testing, I have deng.swf,
deng_test.swf, index.html, and the files in the ZIP file.
Strangely enough, the XForms renders just fine in
XForms, instance file, and XML Schema