
Denemo - a gtk+ frontend to GNU Lilypond / News: Recent posts

0.7.6 Released

GNU Denemo 0.7.6 is now available

Changes in this release:
Fake chord support
Basic Midi keyboard input
Score Configuration Wizard
Various bug fixes
Independent Staff lengths

Posted by Anonymous 2006-12-30


With so many bug fixes and a rebuilding of the entire C sound playback system. The Denemo team is happy to announce the release of the 0.75 release.

Additionally Denemo has reverted to C code and has a working midi import engine inplace.

To see a list of the large amount of bug fixes and new features, look at the changelog on the news page of the site or in CVS.

Posted by Aaron 2006-03-18

Chugging toward 0.80

We are rapidly nearing the release of the 0.80 beta release of Denemo. Download the latest cvs and help us crush some bugs!

Posted by Aaron 2006-01-28


Denemo now has an archives for compositions in the .denemo file format. Visit to submit your compositions. All compositions must be licensed according to the creative content license or other similar licenses (see the site for details)
The emphasis is on new original compositions.

Posted by Aaron 2006-01-28

Denemo Documentation

Denemo has a fine user manual available in two ways:
on the site and in the Denemo gui in the help menu.

Posted by Aaron 2006-01-28

What is Denemo?

Denemo is a graphical notation editor that outputs lilypond code. It is wired for speed with a extremely customizable keybinding scheme permitting touch typable notation input. Denemo is a modal editor in the tradition of Vim and is rapidly developing to be the best notation editor available and with the combination of Lilypond the best music engraving system.

Posted by Aaron 2006-01-28

Denemo for Win

The Denemo development team has been busy at work on a Windows and Fink (Mac) port of Denemo. To beta test these ports join one of the Denemo Mailing lists.

Posted by Aaron 2006-01-28

Denemo alive and kickin

Although many sites linking to Denemo binaries would give the impression that Denemo isn't active, infact Denemo is alive and kickin.

Our latest stable release 0.74 offers the following features:
A graphical score preparation enviroment for LilyPond files
touch typeable note entry, making it possible to keep your hands on the computer keyboard over 95% of the time.
Pango support for multilingual input of text.
Midi inport
plus many more features to numerious to detail here

Posted by Aaron 2006-01-28

The CVS repository is up and running


You'll now actually find Denemo's source code in the CVS area, as of a few minutes ago. Use it in good health. :)


Posted by Matthew Hiller 2000-02-07