
Extending the reach of DeepEmailMiner

  • Philippe Vanpeperstraete

    After playing around a bit with the application, I have come to the conclusion that while it can be a good tool to analyze an email corpus that is already stored in a database, it avoids completely the issue of creating such a database.
    In order to expand the reach of the application, a number of new use cases needs to be supported:

    • Select/Create database to use (can we call this a project?)
    • Import a set of emails into the database/project
    • Create graph from database/project]  Feedback from the users is most welcome.

    Input of users is most welcome

  • Matin Mavaddat

    Matin Mavaddat - 2012-05-14


    I tried to use the Enron database with the software. It recognises the vertices but it does not show the edges. Any ideas?


  • Philippe Vanpeperstraete

    Hello Matin,

    This is strange, because the application first loads the vertices, and then spends most of its time building the edges.
    Can you run the application with the -debug parameter? This will produce a log that I could analyze to find out what's going wrong. A screenshot of your graph would also be useful.
    What environment are you using? (Windows/Linux/Mac) and what version of Java?


  • Matin Mavaddat

    Matin Mavaddat - 2012-05-16

    Hi Philip,

    I am using windows XP with Java 1.7.0. I will give you more information later.


  • Philippe Vanpeperstraete

    Hello Matin,

    Guess you've been too busy to try to produce the logs. I was able to do a test run on XP with java 1.7.0. I have created  a bug in trac  in order to attach the log file and screen shot. As you can see, it works fine on my side. I guess there must be wrong with your enron database structure.



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