
DeciGen® / News: Recent posts

DeciGen design specification released

DeciGen® is an ERP with added features for help in decision making process.

DeciGen incorporates Decision Support System over an framework of ERP to provide a feature rich solution. It aims to achieve the final goal of IT - to run business smoothly. Decigen provides support for end to end business transaction. On horizontal - DeciGen will support end to end transaction processes and on vertical DeciGen will provide seamless integration from OLTP to Individual KPI reports through OLAP layer. DeciGen has specialized mathematical tools to analyse business data and to automate the decision making processes.... read more

Posted by Optiman DeciGen 2009-05-24

DeciGen is looking for Database replication researcher

DeciGen the OSS ERP builder is looking for enthusiastic researcher who will push the limits of distributed computing. We seek to use the desktop to create a distributed ERP.

If you are interested and the term bittorrent, distributed computing, database replication rings some bells in you join the effort.



Posted by Optiman DeciGen 2009-05-17

An update

I owe an explanation to you all. Perhaps this has been long overdue, but then I wanted to comeback to you with news, that conveys some actionable input rather mere update on what is happening.

Initial technological framework of decigen was liner. We mapped the various processes that need to be there for a model situation. Chalked out the tables required for managing the data, transactions required. We then started writing code for each of that transaction, at one input/output/process routine per transaction rate. For model school, which is a simple business model to adopt, the number of transactions runs to few hundred. We soon realized this approach is not going to take us anywhere. In fact our estimate showed we need to put around 300 man year to create an ERP for a business of any reasonable size. We are not likely to gather any resource of that size to make DeciGen happen. Mind you, this estimate had considered all OOP and code reuse options.... read more

Posted by Optiman DeciGen 2006-10-16

DeciGen is delayed

There are times to share good news and there are times to let you know the bad news. Here we are in the next cycle.

DeciGen started off with big hopes to create a open source ERP, but sadly the enthusiasm of the team members died down and we are now facing a huge resource crunch.

In face of the pending backlog of work, it is inevitable that the Beta launch of DeciGen will be delayed. My present estimate is by minimum three month.... read more

Posted by Optiman DeciGen 2005-05-23

DeciGen moves to Alpha

We are glad to announce completion of Pre-alpha phase of DeciGen. DeciGen is a free ERP, implemented on MySQL/Apache/Perl combination.
Although we have not tested it, DeciGen should work other database as well.

It is web based allowing access from any machine that runs a browser.

Basic interface and authorization module of DeciGen is ready. Demo version is implemented at . You can login with different user profile and get a feel of the interface. ... read more

Posted by Optiman DeciGen 2005-02-19

New Year Greetings with a New Hope

I convey my greetings for the year of 2005. The recent event of tsunami, which has killed over 1,20,000 and caused great suffering to more than 5 million people, has washed away my courage to greet you with a Happy New Year note. We empathize with the tsunami victims and their grieved families. Let us hope the New Year will bring new sunshine to make us forget the past and forge ahead with a new beginning.... read more

Posted by Optiman DeciGen 2004-12-31

DeciGen = ERP + DSS

DeciGen is an ERP, like SAP, Baan, PeopleSoft and such high sounding names. In fact, DeciGen is more than ERP.

DeciGen is designed to assist the decision making process from ground up and incorporates many mathematical tools to enable that process.

DeciGen differs from other high profile ERP in its development model. DesiGen is an open source ERP. DeciGen will enable large number of people in implementing ERP solutions to manage their operations better, at an easily affordable cost.... read more

Posted by Soumya 2004-12-14