
Debug Timer

John Schlick

The Debug Timer

The debug timer is very easy to use. Define it and call its get method.

$debug_timer = new DebugTimer();

or alternately:

if ($debug_object->execute_debug(-1))
    $debug_object->debug_output("Start timer");
    $debug_timer = new Debug_Timer();

To display the output, call get_interval

if ($debug_object->execute_debug(-1))
    $debug_object->debug_output("Exit - " . $debug_timer->get_interval(true));

The full definition is:

function get_interval($output_text=false, $reset_start=true)

$output_text: a boolean that determines whether to return a text string with "took" duration "seconds." or just the real.
$reset_start: a boolean that is used to determine whether to reset the timers start time or not.


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