
Deadlock Dungeons / News: Recent posts

Complete change of plan.

I have spent time working with the SDL and SDL net
and it achieves what I wanted to do with netezu in a far lighter and more platform neutral way than I could ever have done. I have switched to writing an sdl shell library as a wrapper round the SDL. I plan to use this with another game, spored.

Posted by John Connors 2001-06-03

First release

First code release; after my musings on network libraries I have rolled my own; it has been tested on Windows 2000 with VC 6 & Suse 6.4 with gcc. It's at the stage where you can run a server and telnet into it. A demo is included. Documentation will be along shortly when I have doxygen sorted on my development laptop.

Posted by John Connors 2001-01-21