

Stefan Gast

About deadlineRTOS

deadlineRTOS is an experimental fork of FreeRTOS 7.3.0 using Earliest Deadline First Scheduling (EDF) instead of Fixed Priority Scheduling. It introduces a completely rewritten scheduler using a binary min-heap, replacing the original scheduler of FreeRTOS. Some API functions of FreeRTOS have also been changed to work together with the new scheduling policy.

Please note that deadlineRTOS is highly experimental software and not meant for production use! There is no warranty at all!

Current State

  • Basic functionality, including scheduling and queues seems to work, but further testing is highly needed!
  • GCC/ARM_CM3 port has been adapted.
  • Restricted support for deadline inheritance (only works if each task never tries to hold more than one mutex at once, mutex nesting is not possible!).
  • Some support for the trace and runtime stats functionality of FreeRTOS.
  • Software timer task currently runs with a fixed deadline. Needs to be improved to allow different deadlines for each software timer.
  • No co-routine support (code has been removed).


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