

Ioannis Dimakopoulos

The Diagnosis Decision Support System (DDSS) is a complex Multi source and Multi database system based on Custom design Virus Ontology, The HL7 RIM model database and a RDBMS for external information source storage and Results. The Main objective of DDSS is to receive as input a XML Dataset with information about tests, clinical examinations and other information related with the patient and using a set of predefine rules to generate a details diagnosis.
The basic steps in the process from receiving the Dataset until the Detail diagnosis generation are described below:
• The Dataset is received by the Data Handler, the data handler split the information into related data and store them in the ontology and the HL7 database.
• Next the Rule Event Trigger module fire all rules, when the data are stored an event is generated and the Rule Event module load all the require Rules, Workflows and BPMN into the working memory and recall all data for validation.
• The Rule engine execute the rules and generate the diagnosis.
• And finally the report engine generate a readable report.

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