Activity for ddrescueview

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I've found ddreccueview an awesome add-on to ddrescue!. I do have a couple of suggestions... I'm using 0.4 alpha 3 on a standard ubuntu 22.04 install. 1) The text (I assume this is the ubuntu system default) is too big for the areas it is supposed to fit into - for example (screenshot), the letters with descenders (eg: p,g) in the main 'Rescue Status' window are chopped (eg: the "g" in 'Pending' has become an "a"). 2) Related to the above, the 'Block Inspector' "Block" id number can only fit four...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    @Anonymous: Another interesting program to check out for rescue of optical discs (CD/DVD - probably Bluray) is DVDisaster. I've used it and found it quite good. I've also used ddrescue and dd_rescue before, but only for flash drives. Last week I started recovery on a damaged hard drive and stumbled upon ddrecueview - a most excellent program! I agree with Mbit that trying to set a visualisation of the sectors as they appear physically would probably be an impossible task - as far as I'm aware, that...

  • Jonathan brophy Jonathan brophy created ticket #17

    scaling issues

  • MBit MBit posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Physical layout of the logical 2048 Byte sectors on optical media would be too complicated. It would require precise information about the data track's starting diameter, track density, recording mode, and could be further complicated by multi-session and mixed mode. From what I read, most of these parameters vary even among bog-standard CDROMs. Afaik, none of this information is contained in the block-device view Linux has on the disk. While it may (?) be possible to extract this information using...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm currently recovering my old CDROM media. I came across an interesting error pattern. The disc has no visual defects or scratches, so it would be nice to have a circular layout, to see the distribution on the actual disc.

  • MBit MBit modified ticket #8

    Grid block size in the status bar

  • MBit MBit created ticket #15

    taskbar progress bar

  • MBit MBit modified ticket #5

    Persistent settings

  • MBit MBit modified ticket #8

    Grid block size in the status bar

  • MBit MBit posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello Sean, persistent settings have been on my to-do list for very long (too long). I'm implementing something right now. Might take a few more days, I want to do it right and in the most compatible way. Greetings, Martin

  • sean loony sean loony posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, please implement a "save settings"-Feature in the Options menue. After every start I have to change Options again. Thank you

  • MBit MBit modified a wiki page


  • MBit MBit created a wiki page


  • MBit MBit modified ticket #14

    Refresh doesn't work correctly since ddrescue 1.24

  • MBit MBit modified a wiki page


  • MBit MBit modified a comment on ticket #14

    @wgh @leon5x I have just released ddrescueview 0.4.5 which fixes the issue. As WGH suggested the program now simply re-opens the mapfile everytime it needs to be read. Actually I don't keep an open file handle now at all, the mapfile is being closed right after reading it. I figured that on Windows, ddrescue might get problems renaming the mapfile to .bak, unlike Linux, Windows does not allow this for files which are in use. Then again, who uses the Cygwin version of ddrescue... ;-)

  • MBit MBit posted a comment on ticket #14

    @WGH @leon5x I have just released ddrescueview 0.4.5 which fixes the issue. As WGH suggested the program now simply re-opens the mapfile everytime it needs to be read. Actually I don't keep an open file handle now at all, the mapfile is being closed right after reading it. I figured that on Windows, ddrescue might get problems renaming the mapfile to .bak, unlike Linux, Windows does not allow this for files which are in use. Then again, who uses the Cygwin version of ddrescue... ;-)

  • ddrescueview ddrescueview released /Test builds/v0.4.5/Linux-i386/ddrescueview-linux-i386-0.4.5.tar.xz

  • ddrescueview ddrescueview released /Test builds/v0.4.5/Linux-x86_64/ddrescueview-linux-x86_64-0.4.5.tar.xz

  • ddrescueview ddrescueview released /Test builds/v0.4.5/Win32/

  • ddrescueview ddrescueview released /Test builds/v0.4.5/readme.txt

  • ddrescueview ddrescueview released /Test builds/v0.4.5/

  • ddrescueview ddrescueview released /Test builds/v0.4.5/ddrescueview-source-0.4.5.tar.xz

  • ddrescueview ddrescueview released /Test builds/v0.4.5/ddrescueview-linux-i386-0.4.5.tar.xz

  • Leon W Leon W posted a comment on ticket #14

    Is there any progress on this? Would be great and thanks for the great tool by the way!

  • ddrescueview ddrescueview updated /Test builds/v0.4 alpha 4/readme.txt

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Confirmed working on Mac mini M1 2020 with following changes: Free Pascal Compiler (FPC): fpc-3.2.2 - intelarm64 macos fpcsrc: 3.2.2 Lazarus: 2.2.0RC1 Do the follwing between steps 6 and 7 - Open "Options for Project" from Lazarus' Build Mode toolbar icon or in the Project Options - Select "GNU/Linux Releases" for Build Modes - Open "Config and Target Tab" - Select "Darwin" for Target - Select "x86_64" for Target CPU Family - Open "Compilation and Linking" - Disable "Pass options to linker with "-k",...

  • MBit MBit posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks for the kind feedback and the screenshot! I'll add everything as soon as I get back from summer holidays. Cheers

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you for making and maintaining ddrescueview, it's been greatly useful for me. I can confirm that the Linux i386 version is working on Debian 10 Buster, and you may add the attached screenshot of it clearly working to the Project Samples page on Sourceforge, and to the list of distributions the program has been successfully run on @ . Again, thank you. :)

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello MBit, That was a really good answer. It even explains some discontinuities I saw in the pattern of the failing disk. Those could have been those defects you mention. Of course, benchmarking a failing disk is not the best idea. ddrescue goes to great lengths to minimize the amount of readings from failing sectors prior to saving all the easily recoverable data. Have a nice day!

  • MBit MBit posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, while the idea of a circular block grid is tempting, I doubt its feasibility for modern-day hard drives. These drives do not have a physical sector layout according to the CHS model. They employ many features that cause them to deviate from this "ideal" text-book layout, most notably zoned-bit-recording, track skew, and custom track layout that cannot be easily determined. Add in defect management which excludes whole regions of the platter from containing logical sectors. All this is done...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, First of all, I want to say THANK YOU for this tool. It let us visualize the otherwise human-unfriendly mapfiles. Last time I used ddrescue was on a disk with a non-functional platter/head. It was evident looking at the pattern ddrescueview was showing. However, it would have been even more evident, without much use of fine zoom control, if the block grid was instead a circular layout. I guess that it would require entering C/H/S info in order to render an accurate layout (or at least a render),...

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    That was a privilege to contribute an idea to ddrescueview project ( ˙▿˙ )/( ˙▿˙ )/ regards.bartus

  • WGH WGH posted a comment on ticket #14

    Some crude patch that I tested, seems to work for me. --- ddrescueview-source-0.4~alpha4.old/source/Parser.pas 2020-08-21 03:10:45.000000000 +0300 +++ ddrescueview-source-0.4~alpha4/source/Parser.pas 2020-09-30 00:19:18.586393532 +0300 @@ -348,16 +348,10 @@ // read file contents into string list try mapStrings := TStringList.Create; - if FMapStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning) <> 0 then - raise Exception.Create('Seek error!'); + FreeAndNil(FMapStream); + FMapStream := TFileStream.Create(FFilename, fmOpenRead...

  • WGH WGH created ticket #14

    Refresh doesn't work correctly since ddrescue 1.24

  • ddrescueview ddrescueview released /Test builds/v0.4 alpha 4/Linux-x86_64/ddrescueview-linux-x86_64-0.4~alpha4.tar.xz

  • ddrescueview ddrescueview released /Test builds/v0.4 alpha 4/Win32/

  • ddrescueview ddrescueview released /Test builds/v0.4 alpha 4/readme.txt

  • ddrescueview ddrescueview released /Test builds/v0.4 alpha 4/Linux-i386/ddrescueview-linux-i386-0.4~alpha4.tar.xz

  • ddrescueview ddrescueview released /Test builds/v0.4 alpha 4/

  • ddrescueview ddrescueview released /Test builds/v0.4 alpha 4/ddrescueview-source-0.4~alpha4.tar.xz

  • MBit MBit modified ticket #13

    Fail to build against fpc:3.2.0

  • MBit MBit posted a comment on ticket #13

    This issue has been fixed in v0.4 alpha 4, thanks to the patch supplied by Peter Green. Closed.

  • MBit MBit modified ticket #6

    More command line switches

  • MBit MBit posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    These suggestions have been implemented in the new version 0.4 alpha 4.

  • MBit MBit modified a wiki page


  • MBit MBit modified a wiki page


  • MBit MBit modified a wiki page


  • MBit MBit modified a wiki page


  • MBit MBit created a wiki page


  • Sebastian Sebastian posted a comment on ticket #13

    The builds did fail also on openSUSE (Tumbleweed) and suceed again using this patch. Thank you for your work!

  • MBit MBit modified ticket #13

    Fail to build against fpc:3.2.0

  • MBit MBit posted a comment on ticket #13

    Good find. I'll use your patch in the next release if you don't mind. Greetings, MBit

  • MBit MBit modified ticket #10

    0.4alpha3 hangs

  • MBit MBit modified ticket #12

    Support for Ddrescue 1.23

  • peter green peter green posted a comment on ticket #13

    Googling the error message took me to which has an entry "Property field access lists no longer allows classes" that seems to describe the problem. Poking around in svn it seems that this change was backported to 3.2 but they forgot to move the description of it from the "user changes trunk" to the "user changes 3.2" page. The solution is to use a getter rather than direct access for the property. I have attatched a patch that does that, I have tested...

  • szczepaniak bartek szczepaniak bartek created ticket #13

    Fail to build against fpc:3.2.0

  • MBit MBit posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Daniel, thanks for sharing your knowledge! I am sure this will help someone.

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi & thanks for ddrescueview! I wanted to share my experience compiling ddrescueview 0.4 alpha 3 on MacOS 10.14 (Mojave - currently the most recent version), in the hope that it'll be helpful for anyone else who wants to do the same. In short it was pretty easy, with only 1 or two snags that were simple to resolve. Steps: Install Apple's Xcode from the Mac App Store From the MacOS Terminal, run "xcode-select --install" to install Xcode Command-Line tools (this is required by FPC - the FreePascal...

  • Vincent Vincent posted a comment on ticket #12

    disreguard, i was using a older version

  • Vincent Vincent created ticket #12

    Support for Ddrescue 1.23

  • David O'Shea David O'Shea posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks for the great tool, and an excuse for me to finally play with Lazarus! I recovered some of my failing disk without a domain map, then when I learned about ddru_ntfsbitmap, I used it to create a domain map and resumed running ddrescue with the domain map. I know that in my first run of ddrescue, it recovered a lot of empty parts of the disk. When I tell ddrescueview to open the domain map, if I understand correctly it shows "Not in domain" for any area that isn't in the domain, even if the...

  • MBit MBit posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello bartus, these are some good ideas, I'll see what I can implement in the next few days. Best regards, mbit

  • Anonymous posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, mbit! I find ddrescueview pretty amazing. Have been using it for some time now to inspect and live preview of my data-rescue jobs. Have some suggestions for improvements (unfortunately Pascal is pretty remote for me so can't propose sample implementation) Track active block in the main view (could be an option in view menu, or take precedence form block navigator check box) RMB select in zoom bar (would be very useful to un zoom to specific area, instead of using mouse wheel) Mouse wheel zoom...

  • MBit MBit modified ticket #11

    Logfile format changed since ddrescue 1.22

  • MBit MBit modified a comment on ticket #11

    Dear olegkrutov, ddrescueview version 0.4 alpha 3 contains a fix for this change in logfile format. You can find it under the 'Test builds' folder in the download section. Don't be afraid by the fact it says 'alpha', it's been used almost for a year now with no bug reports and can be considered the current 'stable' version.

  • MBit MBit posted a comment on ticket #11

    Dear olegkrutov, ddrescueview version 0.4 alpha contains a fix for this change in logfile format. You can find it under the 'Test builds' folder in the download section. Don't be afraid by the fact it says 'alpha', it's been used almost for a year now with no bug reports and can be considered the current 'stable' version.

  • olegkrutov olegkrutov created ticket #11

    Logfile format changed since ddrescue 1.22

  • MBit MBit modified a comment on ticket #10

    I'm sorry you are getting hangs. Is the machine up to the task of re-reading the...

  • MBit MBit posted a comment on ticket #10

    I'm sorry you are getting hangs. Is the machine up to the task of re-reading the...

  • KDEboroda KDEboroda created ticket #10

    0.4alpha3 hangs

  • MBit MBit modified ticket #9

    compatibility with the latest version of ddrescue

  • MBit MBit posted a comment on ticket #9

    ddrescueview-0.4-alpha 3 released which adds support for current_pass.

  • MBit MBit posted a comment on ticket #6

    If you are willing to share, you can email me your mod that auto-updates the mapfile...

  • MBit MBit posted a comment on ticket #6

    There is now a new version, ddrescueview 0.4 alpha 3, that adds command line switches...

  • MBit MBit modified a wiki page


  • MBit MBit renamed a wiki page


  • MBit MBit modified a wiki page


  • MBit MBit modified a wiki page


  • MBit MBit created a wiki page


  • ddrescueview ddrescueview released /Test builds/v0.4 alpha 3/ddrescueview-source-0.4~alpha3.tar.xz

  • ddrescueview ddrescueview released /Test builds/v0.4 alpha 3/Win32/

  • ddrescueview ddrescueview released /Test builds/v0.4 alpha 3/Linux-x86_64/ddrescueview-linux-x86_64-0.4~alpha3.tar.xz

  • ddrescueview ddrescueview released /Test builds/v0.4 alpha 3/readme.txt

  • ddrescueview ddrescueview released /Test builds/v0.4 alpha 3/Linux-i386/ddrescueview-linux-i386-0.4~alpha3.tar.xz

  • ddrescueview ddrescueview released /Test builds/v0.4 alpha 3/

  • MBit MBit modified a wiki page


  • MBit MBit modified ticket #9

    compatibility with the latest version of ddrescue

  • MBit MBit posted a comment on ticket #9

    Sorry for the late response. I'm working on it.

  • KDEboroda KDEboroda posted a comment on ticket #6

    Thanks for the program very much! Helps to visualize the rescue process and get a...

  • KDEboroda KDEboroda posted a comment on ticket #9

    new log format contains: # Mapfile. Created by GNU ddrescue version 1.22-pre3 # current_pos...

  • KDEboroda KDEboroda created ticket #9

    compatibility with the latest version of ddrescue

  • MBit MBit posted a comment on ticket #6

    Hello Richard, I will try to get back to development in the next days and implement...

  • Richard Case Richard Case posted a comment on ticket #6

    Great tool and I second the request for more command line switches when used from...

  • MBit MBit created ticket #8

    Grid block size in the status bar

  • MBit MBit created ticket #7

    Display --log-rates and --log-reads logs

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