
ddclient "daemon" config flag not being honored

Eric P
  • Eric P

    Eric P - 2017-07-10


    I have a system running CentOS 7 with:

    from EPEL

    If I change the "daemon=" number in /etc/ddclient.conf, it does not use the new number. It always uses 300. However, if I use the command line and run "ddclient -daemon=1800..." with the other flags, the daemon time works as expected.

    Am I doing something wrong in the configuration file or is there a bug?

    Thank you.

    daemon=1800 # check every 300 seconds

    (Changing the number 300 after the # comment does not help.)

  • wimpunk

    wimpunk - 2017-07-31

    Some distrubutions add a 'daemon' setting when starting and change the time. Specifying the time in the config file should just work.
    You can try to run ddclient -verbose -debug -noquiet to see what's going on and where the option gets overwritten.


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