Activity for DCOO

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [7b58c8] on Bathytools

    bathy_filt: Bugfix no curv for land points

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [f8e892] on Bathytools

    reldepth_poly: Minor fix for lines not ending in a comment

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [f805fe] on Bathytools

    reldepth_poly: fixes for use of --ncpoly

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [6880ad]

    reldepth: Add options to name lat/lon (avoiding hardcoding)

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [7c72ca]

    reldepth_poly: read GETM-style mask.adjust file for point selection

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [184a5b]

    bathy_filt: py2 to py3, optparse to argparse, numpy naming

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [86d3fd]

    remove_lakes: Update netcdf history attribute with present cmd

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [03cf1b]

    reldepth: optparse to argpase + append/overwrite

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [928a93]

    remove_lakes: Working --append option

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [e20927]

    remove_lakes: Change srcfil/tgtfil to positional arguments

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [435f1d]

    remove_lakes: Switch from optparse to argparse

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [d4070a]

    remove_lakes: Update to py3

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [04f516] Switch from OptionParser to argparse. Use positional args for file names

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [ac2bf8] moved to pytools/

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [00c525] Updated tool based on regrid_spherical

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [1943a0]

    added 3 more tmp-tools for testing

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [8ced9d]

    pytools/ Update to py3, get rid of pylab

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [37d995]

    interpolate_grid: NetCDF4 fix: define _FillValue with variable rather than with attributes

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [c28316]

    add_channel: Add options to modify input depths

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [faa9dc]

    jobctl-php: No curly-braces for arrays in PHP8

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [838a85]

    ww3run: Release nodes before provide-phase

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [a01353]

    GETM-jobs release nodes before provide

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [dcac8a]

    Minor bug fix when attempting secondary cleaning of nodes

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [0c6913]

    ShellCmd: nodes request late and release early

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [f317f9]

    Delete RunPython: use ShellCmd

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [a3f0cb]

    ShellCmd: add command/cfgtask-combination jobs

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [99e8eb]

    jbctl systemd avoid dir owner/clash between prod and ptest

  • Ptest-noatun1 committed [4b293d]

    Update Option to exclude tarball

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [8d69a7]

    Remove getm-type default for modellinetime

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [280713] Cosmetic checnge on output for safemode log header

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [bc3593]

    getmjob: Add detection of instability and start in safe mode

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [6f45ef]

    More robust test for create dir

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [509879]

    More robust test for targetdir in provide_from_pwd

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [5189ae] Port to command-line options

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [831ee5] Accept comments on data-lines

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [61287a]

    Remove remove_lakes from tmp. Exists in Script

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [27764c]

    Updated some scripts to py3

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [10e416]

    Make link from prodjob back to prodjobs of same kind

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [266f93]

    jobctlphp: end time in sec after epoch

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [c7dec5]

    jobctl_php jobs: Change format for seconds_to_readable

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [92efe7]

    jobctl_php: Change column layout for prodjobs page

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [af5b9b]

    nagios: Improved error handling in plugin

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [67cbac]

    nagios: Add plugin to check iLO for health status OK/Degraded

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [0226a2]

    pbs/epilogue: bugfix

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [5f9af0]

    pbs/epilogue: fix grep no-match log

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [fe94b4]

    pbs/epilogue: fix grep no-match log

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [d6300b]

    pbs/epilogue: add -S to all pdsh-cmds (log failures)

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [33a798]

    pbs/epilogue: Recover from hanging sisters

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [069314]

    jobctl php bugfix

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [bec807]

    jobctl php upgrade to PHP 7 with MYSQLI API

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [c119fd]

    jobcontrol: Buxfix for grouped graph (previous commit)

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [9c4e29]

    Code updates for perl 5.30

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [c94b3c]

    PBSpro: Changed signal path to avoid marking signaled jobs as failed

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [911928]

    PBSpro: Ported epilogue to bash to decrease dependencies

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [a7a9ce]

    evalsh+jobctl: Use waitpid lower bits to detect killed-by-signal situations

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [ad1c43]

    Hardcoding of some epstr validates for AppConfig (failed for some AppConfig version)

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [977a8a]

    Improved logging/stacktrace for some DB-errors

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [1c317a]

    jobctl start scripts updated for newer systemd

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [0d877b]

    JobControl: Check pidfile regularly, flexible sleep in serve-loop

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [0b6b67]

    Removed unused reference to pylab

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [ec1037]

    Unify curvature- and rc-based loops

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [454b19]

    reldepth_poly: Append option, and optional scaling of input fields (appropriate for eg z0)

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [84ac7c]

    add_channel: Unify stencils 1D+2D, allow radius-distance as float

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [d77d9f] Updated valid_min/max to more physical limits: -8:11k

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [85d746]

    reldepth_poly: add --append/-A option to modify files in-place

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [91b650]

    ProdJobPar: Add easy-to-recognize message at successful end-of-provide-phase

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [77b242]

    ProdJob: Always write exit status on exit

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [6ba4a2]

    TorQue: Better treatment of qstat timeout

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [771793]

    qviz: Highlight node usage on job mouse-over

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [131f78]

    QueueViz - include reservation info

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [131635]

    jobctl_php: Select UNcompleted jobs, sort by planned+actual start

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [378287]

    isub: output typo fix

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [400db3]

    isup/power-query: More tests on iLO ping before giving up

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [170bf2]

    powermond: Ígnore ipmi/rakp stderr msg

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [d25a96]

    node-power-query: Reduce spurious writes to stderr. Ping bmc before trying to access info.

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [4f2bf3]

    isup: If available use fping to decrease latency

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [b94c53]

    isup: Test access to bmc/ilo host [ping]

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [1d44c4]

    nagios scripts: Bugfix for malformed statements in command queue

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [d1e022]

    powermon: Capture spurious stderr send by from hpe-ipmi

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [1e4a60]

    ganglia cpu_temp: Only do physical temp

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [7394bf]

    ganglia: Add lm sensors interface to CPU readings

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [438e68]

    ganglia-ipmi: Added ipmi files from ganglia/gmond_python_modules

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [9e5b6c]

    ganglia-ipmi: Update to near-FCOO settings

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [f592b9]

    ganglia-cpu_temp: Updated py-module to deal with hwmon/hwmon* subdirs (OS-dependency)

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [a9838b]

    multinode-power: Fix logging bug

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [48e5bc]

    multinode-power-off: Logging improved for already powered down nodes

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [077c9d]

    multinode_power: Pre-scan node power-states - to reduce list to actual state changes

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [96f1f6]

    nodenames: Added more colors/flavours to ease selection of nodes

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [10615c]

    pbs/reserve: Allow small low-prio jobs during reservations. Get rid of JSON config.

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [4be740]

    jobctl: Show mailatlate, default endtime on job start

  • Brian Højen-Sørensen Brian Højen-Sørensen committed [e2930c]

    Added support for returning dimension variables as NetCDF objects

  • Bjarne Büchmann Bjarne Büchmann committed [30f509]

    Updated deploy-method. Added more py-based interface scripts.

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [2fc61c]

    WaveWatch: Add possibility for compat with ww3-v5 hotstarts

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [5394d0]

    reldepth: fix indentation bug

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [9ec3f3]

    reldepth: Work on list of index-pairs, dump_bathy_coastline: Make such a list along coastline

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [faced5]

    reldepth: Allow single-point IJ-rectangles

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [1ee3b8] Optionally use necessary water-values from mask-bathy

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [4eabbb] Add land mask to optional curvaure output field

  • Brian Højen-Sørensen Brian Højen-Sørensen committed [580883]

    Use netCDF.num2date instead of netcdftime.num2date

  • Bjarne Buchmann committed [d17bdd] Moved away from tmp_tools

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