
How to resolve size and aspect ratio issues for training a pedesterian detector.

Eren Golge
  • Eren Golge

    Eren Golge - 2015-06-26

    I aim to train a pedesterian detector. However, as far as I see from the examples, I need to keep the aspect ration of the bounding boxes exactly with the detection window size to train a detector. However, this is not a easy task. There are many different shapes and sizes of bounding boxes. What is the handy way to deal with that constraint?


    • Davis

      Davis - 2015-06-26

      You need to train different detectors for different aspect ratios. I would
      pick maybe 4 or 5 different sizes and go with those.

  • Anonymous Komodo

    I also faced the same problem.

    Here's my python script that takes XML output of tools/imglab and modifies the height of boxes so that they all are of equel aspect ratio:

    Now, the same functionality is probably somewhere in dlib but I didn't find it when using imglab and train_object_detector sample.


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