
DCG (Dynamic Code Generator) / News: Recent posts

DCG 3.0 is planned

I have planned a third version for DCG. In this release I will support a lot of templating features, as well as other infrastructural changes.

You can track the progress by checking out source code from subversion.

Wait for it, it's a big release! :)

Posted by Cavingdeep 2006-05-23

DCG is back to

Hi all,

I'm glad that DCG is back. The reason is that is finally supporting Subversion. :)

Posted by Cavingdeep 2006-05-23

DCG moved to Tigris

Hi all,

I recently decided to move DCG project to Tigris in order to use their Subversion support. ^_^

The new home now is

Posted by Cavingdeep 2005-11-01

DCG 2.0 Planning

Hi all,

DCG 2.0 is been planned. We found that DCG 1.5 is stable enough for production and, this second version we have planned is completely different than the previous version in both templating language and it's underline mechanism.

We want to provide you a new totally better experience in writing templates, in this new version, we will focus on the ease of writing the template itself as well as to provide you better templating functionalities.

Posted by Cavingdeep 2005-08-31

DCG v1.5.1.0 Released

Good news, the first release of DCG at SourceForge.

Documentation is still not available, if you can understand Chinese, please refer to my Blog for DCG usage instruction.

Posted by Cavingdeep 2005-02-25