
dbXML / News: Recent posts

dbXML 2.0 Released

Tom Bradford is pleased to announce the immediate availability of dbXML 2.0. This is the production release of dbXML.

dbXML is a Native XML Database (NXD). NXDs are databases that store XML using an internalized format for faster overall processing. dbXML was developed using the Java 2 Standard Edition version 1.4, and should operate properly on all platforms to which J2SE 1.4 has been ported.

Posted by Tom Bradford 2004-08-24

dbXML 2.0 Release Candidate 1

Tom Bradford is pleased to announce the immediate availability of dbXML 2.0 Release Candidate 1. This is hopefully the only Release Candidate for dbXML 2.0 before a production release is made available.

dbXML is a Native XML Database (NXD). NXDs are databases that store XML using an internalized format for faster overall processing. dbXML was developed using the Java 2 Standard Edition version 1.4, and should operate properly on all platforms to which J2SE 1.4 has been ported.

Posted by Tom Bradford 2004-07-21

dbXML 2.0 Beta 3 Released

Beta 3 includes several bug fixes as well as some additional functionality in the Administrator tool. This will probably be the final beta before a release candidate is made available.

Most importantly, beta 3 finally introduces proper support for UTF-8 encoding in the transport layer.

Posted by Tom Bradford 2003-12-02

dbXML 2.0 Beta 2 Released

dbXML 2.0 Beta 2 is now available for download.

Beta 2 is mainly a bug-fix release, but also fills in some holes in the Administrator tool.

Posted by Tom Bradford 2003-11-22

It's Official: dbXML is now GPLed

dbXML 2.0 is now available under the terms of the GNU General Public License. The company that maintains dbXML is moving forward using a business model that is very similar to MySQL AB. What this means is that for GPLed projects, dbXML is free to use, but for non GPLed or commercial projects, you will have to seek a reasonably priced commercial dbXML license.

Posted by Tom Bradford 2003-11-14