
dbQ / News: Recent posts

First release: dbQ - a new SQL generator

After some days of testing ** dbQ ** can see its first release!! :-)

dbQ is born from database-classes I made at work. They already are working for some months now without any problems in different projects.

Although we want to extend this project, for now we have:
- SELECT- class to make and run select-queries
- UPDATE/INSERT class to update or insert records
- DELETE class to delete records... read more

Posted by Joly 2007-10-23

Select is working


So the first class has come through the first tests. I also made some examples to show how it works.
I hate documenting... but that is part of the game i guess.

I hope anyone will like this peace of code and that it can be useful. I sure like it ;)

Greetz, Joly

Posted by Joly 2007-10-22


Wow, we got true!
Never thought i would start a project on sourceforge. :-)
For this project i have some code up and running already. But first i need to figure out how cvs works :( and also how to change the scripts so it can be distributed as one package.

If you are an experienced oo-phper or mysqler you are welcome to join in and make this little project a succes.
Cya Joly

Posted by Joly 2007-10-20