
DBIWrapper / News: Recent posts

DBIWrapper 0.23 now available

This is a bug fix in regards to the new Sybase support.

Adds a new xml output format, but no parsing support yet.

Posted by James A. Pattie 2005-11-19

DBIWrapper 0.22 adds Sybase support!

DBD::Sybase is now officially supported and the getData... methods (getDataArray, getDataArrayHeader, getDataHash, getDataHashHeader) all know how to properly handle the possible multiple result sets that Sybase can return.

Added getID() to return the ID of the just inserted row.

Posted by James A. Pattie 2005-10-15

DBIWrapper 0.21 available for consumption

Version 0.21 of the DBIWrapper perl module provides a revamped error handling infrastructure modeled after the error handling in the Portal::Base code developed in the PCXPortal project.

This was actually done several months ago and got pushed into the background and I forgot about releasing it until I noticed a server updating to a new version of the software from our unstable deb repository. Since everything seems to be working as desired, I've released it. Let me know if any bugs crop up. :)... read more

Posted by James A. Pattie 2005-04-01

DBIWrapper 0.20 adds readHTML() method!

DBIWrapper 0.20 is now available for general consumption.

The major change is the addition of the readHTML() method which returns an html snippet containing the output of the specified sql select statement. The generated html is highly customizable via CSS.

The minor changes are the addition of boolean support functions to convert from 1/0 to true/false.

You can get debs from

Posted by James A. Pattie 2004-06-30

DBIWrapper 0.19 available

DBIWrapper 0.19 fixed some debian packaging dependacy issues where I was suggesting the C versions of libdbd and libdbi, not the perl versions.

I also udpated the methods that it makes sense to only accept a single argument and use the other defaults, to work in the single argument mode is the value, else do pass by name.

Ex: setError(errorString => "This is an error");
can now be done as
setError("This is an error");... read more

Posted by James A. Pattie 2004-03-16

DBIWrapper 0.17 provides XMLParser module

DBIWrapper 0.17 now provides the XMLParser module which allows easy parsing of the XML generated by readXML(). This module relies on XML::LibXML, but does not require it to install the DBIWrapper package.

There were other minor updates and tweaks. See the Changelog for more details.

Posted by James A. Pattie 2002-03-18

0.16 provides XML output capabilities!

DBIWrapper 0.16 has a new method - readXML(). This method allows you to have your SELECT statement be returned as an XML document rather than just the DBI sth handle to work with.

See the man page for documentation on how to use it. The web site will be updated shortly with usage info also.

Posted by James A. Pattie 2001-12-24

0.15 fixes some errors when DESTROYing the DBIWrapper

Better error handling and trapping is now implemented in the close and DESTROY methods so that you don't get the following message in your apache log file, etc.:

Can't read $DBI::errstr, last handle unknown or destroyed at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/ line 260 during global destruction.

Posted by James A. Pattie 2001-10-22

Even more error output improvements

The plug arrays contents are now output in 'xxx', 'yyy', etc. format instead of 'xxx yyy' format. It will make determining what you passed in much easier.

Posted by James A. Pattie 2001-09-08

Improved Debug Info on Errors

You can now specify the level of verbosity with which errors output the configuration settings of the DBIWrapper Object. The logLevel variable now allows you to turn off debug info (same as previous versions) or to incrementally turn on displaying of the configuration settings. The incremental levels are to keep potentially secret info hidden from the normal user while at the same time allowing them to give better feedback than an error occured. See man page and Changes file in version 0.13 for more details.

Posted by James A. Pattie 2001-07-23

Using Perl License now

Version 0.12 officially is using the Perl Artistic License so that issues with the GPL and commerical software don't arise.

Posted by James A. Pattie 2001-07-16

MySQL Transaction Support

Version 0.11 now supports MySQL transactions so that the commit and rollback methods are now available, etc.

Error trapping code has been improved to catch more cases that were forgotten/overlooked in the initial versions.

Posted by James A. Pattie 2001-06-29

Minor updates to DBIWrapper

Version 0.10 of the DBIWrapper is now available. There are no externally visible changes other than a new method setError has been added. Basically all internal references to error_string are now errorString and the setError method allows you to set an error condition without having to manually touch the internal variables (from the other methods).

Posted by James A. Pattie 2001-02-28

Initial Release of DBIWrapper

Released version 0.09 of the DBIWrapper on SourceForge. RPM's available!

Posted by James A. Pattie 2001-02-23