tenbob - 2014-05-08

As a new user I found this an excellent tool. It does exactly what I want without being over-complicated like some other software. I have a few feature suggestions below which may help to improve usability.

(1) Tell the user when the connection is successful. When you open a new connection you see the Windows 'waiting' icon for a short while then it goes away. There is nothing to say you are actually connected. It would be good to display a status message at the bottom, or open the schema browser so you could see that it had worked.

(2) Display details of current connection. In addition, the status message could display the url of the current connection. At present you just see the name of the connection at the top but no other details.

(3) Browse tables directly. Another user suggested this and I agree. A single right click on the table name could automatically run 'SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME'.

(4) Allow the schema browser to remain open. When you double click an item in the browser to copy it to the SQL window, the browser always closes. It would be easier to use if it stayed open. Or maybe have a configuration option so you can choose how it behaves.

(5) Editing window features. When you open the editing window by clicking the pencil in the toolbar, the window is not resizeable. It would be useful to resize and also have extra buttons to step to the next and previous record in the result set.

Hope this helps. Thanks for a very useful program. Bob


Last edit: tenbob 2014-05-08