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Welcome to the Project Wiki for db-docit, an open-source software product created to help business-side analysts, designers and IT architects track and communicate database documentation in a more effective and organized manner.

This wiki is the home for documenting the project software modules and functional units.

The project is a browser-based tool developed on the Oracle Apex (Application Express) platform and database. The project can be installed and run on any of the Oracle database platforms, development is currently done on the APEX 4.02 APEX 4.1 release and OracleXE 11gR2 (Beta) database.

The "server/host" component of the project can be run for a number of operating system platforms, and can be run on Microsoft Windows (Desktop or Server) and Linux variants. Client access to the application is browser based and independent of the hosting OS. System architecture for implementations of this project can be done with multiple middle-tiers (database-host-client) or no tiers at all (i.e., host and client on the same machine).

Project Updates

This section highlights current updates and announcements for project followers and developers.

  • (Thursday, 2011/09/01): Added more info to application DESIGN segment.
  • (Wednesday, 2011/07/13): Added vision statement of direction to the project home page.
  • (Friday, 2011/07/08): Wiki page is live and project hosting is set up.

Navigation Menu

Links to other major sections of this project wiki can be found in this section.

  • Design Application and supporting schema design for planning phase of Release 1.0
  • Developers Tips for developers interested in working on this project.
  • Support Guides for the installation, setup and support for this application.

The wiki uses Markdown syntax.



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