
DB Copy too slow

  • amr roushdi

    amr roushdi - 2005-07-05

    First thank u for this nice plugin however i have an observation and that is too slow. the same behaviour irregardles of the db . Reading them thru squirrel is quite fast .
    Any idea how to speed up things .


    • Rob Manning

      Rob Manning - 2005-08-06

      I'm not sure I understand what you mean.  SQuirreL doesn't
      have the ability to "copy" data from one session to the
      next.  When you display contents of a table, that operation
      is relatively fast because "selects" in general outperform "inserts" on any given table in any particular database. 
      So it seems like this comparison is like comparing
      apples to oranges. Does this answer your question?


    • Rob Manning

      Rob Manning - 2005-08-06

      Actually, an idea did occur to me that should have before.
      Auto-commit is a killer of performance for inserts so
      turning it off and committing every so often seems to be
      a good approach to speeding up the operation. One has
      to be careful though not to commit too infrequently as
      some dbs regulate the amount of uncommitted transactions
      (I'm thinking of rollback segments in Oracle).  So in the
      next release (0.15) I'll add a configuration to allow you to
      turn off auto-commit and specify how many statements to
      execute before committing.

    • Rob Manning

      Rob Manning - 2005-11-05

      Dan Dragut discovered an optimization which is made by caching the column information before copying records, so that the number of hits on the database (both source and destination) is drastically reduced.  You might want to try out version 0.19 which incorporates his optimization.


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