
Database Record Selector and Editor / News: Recent posts

Version 2.00 Now Available (Add and Copy)

Important Notes for v2.00

#1 !!! Lesser versions of MySQL, especially 4.x, may no longer work with this DB-RSE version. !!! This is due to upgrading from the 'mysql' API to the 'mysqli' API (the 'mysql' API is strongly discouraged and can be depracated at any time).

#2 This version has added two new database configuration settings. These settings can be adjusted, but not removed, from within the dbconnect.php file. The default values for these settings are: $domainname = "localhost" and $domainport = 3306... read more

Posted by KDCinfo 2012-12-16

CVS Now Open/Active

It seemed prudent with having another developer, JoeyT, to make CVS access open and active. This will facilitate edits among developers, as well as the ability to provide in-progress edits to those who submit bug or enhancement requests.

Future requests will be assigned to a developer, files will be edited, and updates to CVS will be made accordingly. When the files are ready for release, they will be deployed via the SF.Net file release system so that they are available via the Download section.

Posted by KDCinfo 2007-07-23

New Developer - JoeyT

Welcome JoeyT.

Joey will be working on the add/copy functions. Back when I was working on them in mid-2006, I came across a bug that had only been fixed in a later version of MySQL (5.0.11), but upgrading was not a possibility.

We may need to create a new package for this as a lot of people are still using 4.x


ChangeLog for 5.0.11

Posted by KDCinfo 2007-07-23

Version 1.33 Now Available

Added htmlspecialchars to the UPDATE query. I removed reference to the addAslash function which used addslashes on sites that had magic_quotes_gpc turned off.

Side Note: I've no idea how to parse an HTML tag that's been stored in a database. I'm sure its possible with parse_str or something similar.

Posted by KDCinfo 2007-07-19

Version 1.32 Now Available

With this version, an "addAslash" function was added for handling of apostrophes and quotes within text and textarea fields. Now, if magic-quotes are off, the addslashes function will escape as necessary.

Posted by KDCinfo 2007-06-26

Version 1.31 Now Available

As with 1.30, this update is also geared towards databases with lots of tables:

Added show/hide toggle for $tableFilter in dbconnect
Allows to either show or not show tables that contain the $tableFilter filter string

Posted by KDCinfo 2007-05-04

Version 1.30 Now Available

This update is geared towards databases with lots of tables:

1. You can now preset the table list height via a setting in the dbconnect.php file. If you have 300 tables in a database, you can make the table list 20 high, and simply scroll or keystroke to the name.
2. You can now provide a table name filter string. The table list will only show tables that contain this string in their name (filter is set via a setting in the dbconnect.php file).
3. Cleaned up table list field selectors so they're all together at the top of the table list. This especially helps databases with lots of tables where the field selectors were at varying spaces down the side of the table list. Now, with these larger table lists, you can see them all at once.

Posted by KDCinfo 2007-04-17

Version 1.20 Now Available

1. You can now preset an initial table via a setting in the dbconnect.php file.
2. Added Fields Total alongside Number of Fields for reference.
3. Made Fields Showing Red if showing less than there are Fields Total
4. Added "Delete Record" function (and confirm) from Record display

Posted by KDCinfo 2007-02-10

DB-RSE Now Stable (out of beta)

The feature request for a record range selection corroborated (provided affirmation) that the Database Record Selector and Editor is not only fully functional, but useful.

Posted by KDCinfo 2006-03-13

Version 1.10 Now Available

The major update in this release was done per a feature request. A few other tweaks were made in the process.

Added ability to select a record "range" whereby you can specify a row number start and the number of rows (records) to display. That in mind, a column was also added to display row numbers.

Posted by KDCinfo 2006-03-13

DB-RSE First Update

Although mostly minor aesthetic alterations, a version log file has also been added which will help in keeping track of any versions yet to come.

Posted by KDCinfo 2005-06-30

DB-RSE Now Active and Available

DB-RSE is now active! DB-RSE is a Database Record Selector and Editor. Simple to use; select your table, select your record, edit your data and save the record -- Select, Select, Edit, Save. Easy!

The initial release of DB-RSE also includes a flurry of last-minute updates, which you can read about in the release change log. Screenshots have also been added and are active. And best of all, there are only two files: Only one of which requires 3 edits.... read more

Posted by KDCinfo 2005-06-14