
Date / Time Library for Dates since 1582 / News: Recent posts

DateTimeLib since 1582 V1.04 released

DateTimeLib since 1582 V1.04 released

fix: error in computing start of summer time (DST)

Posted by Magra 2009-02-25

DateTimeLib since 1582 V1.03 released

Library routines for computation of date and time functions since the Gregorian Calendar was introduced on 1582-Oct-15:

- add/subtract days&hh:mm:ss to/from a given date&time
- considered of all leap years (the anormalities every 4, 100 and 400 years)
- considered of the changes from summer time (Daylight Saving Time DST) to winter time and back
- compute the start and end dates of DST for a given year
- compute UTC (Universal Time = Greenwich Time) to local time; considered DST
- compute weekdays
- compute Excel compatible date/time values... read more

Posted by Magra 2009-01-06