
Problem Executing Business Rule

  • P.Naveen Kumar

    P.Naveen Kumar - 2018-12-20

    I have created a business rule and executed it. On Execution window the data is profiling properly but if we close the execute business rule window the changes are not reflecting in the table data.

    I have removed N from the word 'NAVEEN' its is executing my business rule but how do you save this updated data through osdq tool.And it should be reflected in my oracle table aslo.

  • arrah

    arrah - 2018-12-20

    Hi Naveen,
    thanks for using osDQ. Business Rules are saved ( if scheduled) as shcedudedoutput.csv ( if it is not a qualified csv then change name to txt and load into osDQ.

    You can load using Tools --> Open File --> Open CSV or TXT format.

    Once the file is loaded in Option -> Load To DB will take information about which coulmn you want want to update ( assuming you have edit persmission)

    Some databases do not allow primary key to to be changed

    Let me know if you face any issues

  • Dipali Nanware

    Dipali Nanware - 2020-02-28

    I have created building rules, but after 5 rules i cant create any more ... so is there any limitation to build an buisness rules.

  • arrah

    arrah - 2020-02-28

    No. You can create any number of rules. There is no limit on 5 rules.


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