
Problem with Oracle schema

  • Renaud

    Renaud - 2017-12-15

    I use version 6.2.4.
    I connect successfully to Oracle database. But when I try to click on a table in the Aggergate Profiler explorer, I get an error: ORA-00942 : table or view does not exist.
    If I issue a query using Tools/SQL interface, I get correct result. So the connection is ok, but I suspect a problem in the schema. As you can see in my config below, the name of the user is different from the name of the schema. Probably, this may confuse the tool.
    <value databaseCatalog="" databaseColumnPattern="" databaseConnectionName="CDS preprod" databaseDSN="//Orchila/ARHWLCDS" databaseDriver="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" databaseJDBC="" databasePasswd="xxxxx" databaseProtocol="jdbc:oracle:thin" databaseSchemaPattern="CDS_HWELL" databaseTablePattern="" databaseTableType="TABLE" databaseType="ORACLE_NATIVE" databaseUser="yyy"/>
    <database_ConnectionName>CDS preprod</database_ConnectionName>

    I'm also puzzled about why parameters are repeated twice in one entry.
    Any hint on that ?
    By the way, the tool is working ok on a Teiid database. Problem is only on Oracle.


  • arrah

    arrah - 2017-12-16

    Hello Renaud,
    thanks for using osDQ. Yes, by default user name is schema name in oracle. osDQ uses schema name only as filter which different databases treat differently.
    osDQ uses "cat"."table" as if category name is not empty. Put "schema_name" also in "category" input text field and it should work.

    Please let me know if you still face issues.

  • Renaud

    Renaud - 2017-12-18

    Thank you. It works fine now.


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