arrah - 2018-12-13

In "Business Rule" section first step is 'add DB'. It is open up a connection dialog ( like the first time you run profiler) - make sure to give a name to connection, add connection parameters, validate then add connection. It is give a message "connection saved"

You can use this connection to create Business Rules. Select Connection, it will show tables, columns of that connection. Make sure to give name to business rules , create a sql based business rule ( at present only SQL based business rules are supported) , validate and save the rules.

In execute rule, you can select the business rule and click execute it will run instantaneously and show the result in frame. Else you can schedule the rule, it will run at appropriate time and put the values in scheduleroutput.csv . If you have "," in output then rename it as .txt and open in osDQ file open.

On the Data Profiler, there is on the tab a section called “Business Rules”.

I was looking at the User Guide and I do not see anywhere in there that references that option.

Also, if I click on “Business Rules”, it asks build a rule, you can choose the “Select Database Connection”, then “Show Tables” and then “Show Columns”.

There is nothing in any of those drop down boxes (I assume you would have to start with “Select Database Connection).

Do you have any writeups on how to use this section and why I do not see any info when trying to setup a Business Rule as far as connecting to our DB?


Last edit: arrah 2018-12-13