

Hugh Barnard

Tested on AWS Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS and Linux Mint:

  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt upgrade
  • sudo apt install ./datamap_0.9-5.deb

  • then, for example:

  • sudo morbo -l "https://*:443?cert=/etc/datamap/ssl/certs/datamap-self-signed.crt&key=/etc/datamap/ssl/certs/datamap-self-signed.key" /usr/share/datamap/script/datamap

  • and it's running on https://localhost for example. Since the certs are self signed, you'll receive browser warnings. Use mkcert to avoid this.

  • parameters are mainly in /etc/datamap/datamap.conf

Removal may leave traces in/var/datamap (it chooses not to remove the sqlite3 database) and /etc/datamap. Some improvements to come. The Perl modules will stay.