

Hugh Barnard

secrets => [xxxxxxa0c37xxxxx etc'], -> mojolicious secret, see mojo doc
db => '/var/lib/datamap/status.db', -> sqlite3 database/mysql untested at present
title => 'Informal Gardening and Recycling Map', -> map title
input_format => 'json', -> leave this, at present
sms_convert => 'no', -> leave this, work needed on sms
sms_convert_key => {
'from' => 'From',
'content' => 'Text',
country_code => 'uk',
log_level => 'debug', -> mojolicious log level
identity => 'map ident here' -> used for pub/sub data federation later
rabbitmq => 'no', -> leave this, for map federation later on
log_path => '/var/log/datamap/datamap.log', -> application log
hypnotoad => { -> hypnotoad example params, use hypnotoad for live
listen => ['https://*:443?cert=/etc/letsencrypt/live/'],
workers => 10,
pid_file => '/var/run/datamap/' -> this directory should be created on install
type_select => { -> select for report form, multilingual later on
'Actual Gardens' => 1,
'Potential Gardens' => 2,
'Skips' => 3,
'Furniture' => 4,
'Good Recycling Stuff' => 5,
url_for_user_agent => '', --> more sms stuff
gammu_message_directory => '/var/spool/datamap/',
media_directory => '/usr/share/datamap/public/media', --> report picture storage
admin_ip => ', --> only this IP will show the delete button, put 'any' to always show it.
