
Font Changed To Unreadable

  • Thomas K Burke

    Thomas K Burke - 2019-03-04

    I changed the modules so that i was only using Books and Containers. I am only using this to catalogue my technical library of books and reports. But, when I unselected the other modules, the font changed to a font that is unreadable. It is just a bunch of square boxes for letters. I closed the program and then reopened it and it is still unreadable. I cannot turn the other modules back on because all menues are unreadable. I have attached a screen shot. Any help would be appreciated.

    I am using Windows 10 64bit Build 1803
    192 Gig RAM
    20 TB Hard Drive Array
    Dual Processor Xeon 6146 cpu's
    Data Crow 64bit Version 4.2.2 Downloaded 2/28/2019


    Last edit: Thomas K Burke 2019-03-04
  • Thomas K Burke

    Thomas K Burke - 2019-03-04

    I reinstalled the program, but the problem still exists. I looked in the control panel and there is no entry for DataCrow, so I could not uninstall it before reinstalling a new copy.

  • Thomas K Burke

    Thomas K Burke - 2019-03-04

    I looked in the program directory and under the fonts subdirectory there is a file named "do not" , but it has a zero size, and no other files are in the directory. I guess that unchecking some of the modules caused the program to zero out the font file. I wonder which module you have to keep in order to have a program font?

  • Thomas K Burke

    Thomas K Burke - 2019-03-04

    The uninstall program in the program directory did not work. I tried to manually delete the Data Crow program directory, but the lib directory, the datacrow.jar file and the datacrow64bit.exe file will not delete. I get an error message saying that the files are in use. I checked in taskmanager and there are no datacrow files or services that are active. They must be running in windows under a different name than the file name.

  • Thomas K Burke

    Thomas K Burke - 2019-03-04

    I rebooted the computer and i was able to uninstall the rest of the datacrow program directory. I then rebooted the computer again and reinstalled the datacrow program. When I started the program, the program menus have the same corrupted font. I have attached a screen shot of the first window that pops up when I start the program. I dont know what else to do to make this program work! It seems that datacrow has changed something deeper in Windows than just the files in the Data Crow program directory.


    Last edit: Thomas K Burke 2019-03-04
  • Stacey Murphy

    Stacey Murphy - 2019-03-04

    Hi Thomas,

    I need to run some tests to see what might have happened.

    Since Data Crow is only a Java program, it is simply a JAR file that gets executed. There is no WIndows install entry in the prgrams section of Control Panel as it does not install anything into the registry or DLL's in system directories, etc ...

    It is non-intrusive/portable, in that sense.

    The font file you looked at is 0 bytes in the release kit you donwload, so nothing zerod it out during execution.

    In order to install a new copy, you would just choose a new directory to unpack to. I have done that to have multiple copies while testing.

    I have come across issues under Windows 7 where the Windows Explorer holds files for funny reasons and during race conditions. I cannot delete files and or directories until I close the Explorer for that disk drive or even restart Explorer completely (without doing a full system reboot). That is a quirk with Windows and Explorerer.

    Regarding a new install and teh fonts still being corrupted, let me check some thinsg out and get back to you.

    And what steps did you use to remove the modules?

  • Androw Nelly

    Androw Nelly - 2019-03-18

    Hey! I'm having (almost) the exact same problem over here.

    Windows 10, 64 bit, build 1803
    Data Crow 4.2.2, the same build as on fosshub (Portable All Platforms)

    The problem started when I went to Settings > Settings > Enabled Modules and unchecked every module besides Books and Movie. The text isn't the same messed up font as with Thomas, but it's still messed up. The server login prompt (when using -client) includes invisible text, both next to and inside of the prompts.

    I've deleted the program, reinstalled it, installed it in different folders, and used the windows installer, but the problem has been consistent.

    I'm sorry I can't help any more, but I'm curious about this Plus, I knew Stacey wanted to know how the modules were removed, so I figured it wouldn't hurt posting here. If you want or need any more system information, I'll try and get back asap. Thanks.

    By the way, Thomas, you mentioned you couldn't find the task Data Crow is running under. In task manager, Data Crow is called "This file is the main program" and may be running under the "Background Processes" menu. Not completely sure why that's the process name. but whatever.

  • Thomas K Burke

    Thomas K Burke - 2019-03-19

    Hi Androw, I never did find out why this was occuring, but I found a way to fix it. Apparently, whenever you activate or deactivate a module, the font will change to what seems like a random font. In my case, the first time it happened, the font was changed to a windows character set font that was unreadable. In my case, since I could not read the font at all, I installed the program in a virtual machine, installing on another computer should work fine as well. Then I went through the virtual instance of the program simultaneously with the font corrupted version on the host machine, so I could see what menus to click on. You want to go to the Settings Menu, then the setting submenu, then select Font. From there I selected the Arial Font by counting down the number of fonts from the top of the list, using the virtual instance of the program as a guide. After that, everything was fine. Out of curosity, I changed the module selection again, and the font changed again. But this time, to a font that i could read, so it was easy to fix. Four out of 5 times, when I changed the module selection, the font would change.

    What I dont understand is why, when I deleted and reinstalled the program, it went back to the same system symbol font. It seems like everything should be reset. I did not delete the data file that I had created, but I understand from the developers, no font information is stored with your data files.

    Strangely enough, I tried changing the module selection several times on the Data Crow instance that was installed on the virtual machine, and each time, it did not change the font. Go figure! The virtual machine was a VM Ware Workstation Ver 14, with Windows 10 64bit OS with all updates. Basically the same configuration as the host machine that I was using for Data Crow, but without the other programs that were installed on the host machine.


    Last edit: Thomas K Burke 2019-03-19
  • martinhf

    martinhf - 2019-04-19

    I had/have the same problem. I tried installing an older version and that didn't work either. It happens when you de-select some Modules in the Enabled Modules menu. I have found that the only way to get back to a working state is to delete the Data Crow folder AND the data folder in wherever (e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\data) then re-install from scratch. However, this doesn't help for the cause(s)...because it will just happen again if you de-select some .........


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