
Tree [r10] /

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File Date Author Commit
 jar 2008-09-30 yanosh [r9]
 license 2008-08-31 yanosh [r3]
 src 2008-09-30 yanosh [r9]
 README.txt 2008-09-30 yanosh [r10]

Read Me

DataBib: a Bibtex database tool

1.0) Install:
in order to have DataBib running properly you need
a running mySQL service. Such a service can be local
or remote.
1.1) mySQL service:
create a new user in your mySQL service and
dispose a new database for DataBib.

2.0) Run Databib:
run the jar file "databib.jar". After accepting the
user license, insert the data about your mySQL service:
	- mySQL service address and port
	- username and password to access mySQL
	- the name of the database to be used
2.1) First run:
create a new archive. It consists of a collection of
tables in the selected database. The user can't modify
them manually.
2.2) Usage:
select an archive. You may add new to record to it by:
	- direct insertion
	- importing an existing bib file
Once you have have created an archive with all the
entries you have to work with, export only the ones
you actually need through the export dialog. In the
search fields you may use also the wildchar "*" to
get all the entries at once. The result of the serach
is displayed in a tree like structure: double-clicking
on an entry will add it to the final selection. The latter
can be saved as a bibfile by using the export tool.