
#167 FTB "Insert Code" loses indentation (tabs)


I am running dasBlog 1.8.5223.2.

Go to a new entry and use the button to "Insert
Code". Then type in some code that has indentations
such as:

public bool myfunction(){
return true;

when you click on Parse Code, the preview HTML looks
fine, but when you click Insert Code, all the white
space on the left is lost, every line starts are
character 0 like so:

public bool myfunction(){
return true;


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    My code example above looks wrong because it looks like
    sourceforge got rid of my indents too! :)

    Anyway, the solution is to open up the aspx file that is
    doing the code to html conversion.

    In the aspx file there is some C# code that is setting, if
    I remember right, a hidden label with the html that is to
    be returned to the calling window.

    Anway, basically there is a line that is something
    like "<p>" + GetCodeHere + "</p>". All you have to do is
    change the <p>s to <pre>s and you are set.


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