
Dark Star GL / News: Recent posts

NEW RELEASE!!! 0.1.2

It's been a while since the last release. This release doesn't feature any new features, but it features a vastly revamped function naming convention, grouping common functions into namespaces. Also, all memory leaks have been plugged, fixes to the reflections have been made, a VAST speed improvement has been implemented for cards that don't support the Stencil Buffer, and more. Also, there's a kdevelop project file in this release now, and it should compile on most systems. If not, please submit a bug report.... read more

Posted by Cory Maccarrone 2001-09-11

CVS updated

Well now...It's been a while since anyone's updated this engine. I've added some bug fixes to the lighting system in the engine, and the CVS is now up-to-date. This was mainly to show you that WE'RE NOT DEAD!!! (hehe ;-)

Have fun

Posted by Cory Maccarrone 2001-08-11

New release! 0.1.1

This release is primarily a bug fix/clean up release. I moved functions around, renamed things, and generally cleaned up the code. That's all.


Posted by Cory Maccarrone 2001-05-21

Reflections fixed

Support for reflections using the new queue-based drawing system is complete and works better than ever. Now, all one simply needs to do is designate a side as reflective in the model files and the engine takes care of the rest. It'll even work for rotating/transforming objects (theoretically, I haven't tested this much.)

Posted by Cory Maccarrone 2001-05-20

New release! 0.1.0

Huge release! Lots of new features:

- Alpha depth sorting
- Billboarding
- Vertex Lighting
- Quaternion based rotation
- Completely overhauled drawing subsystem
- More

Reflections are broken at the moment, but work is on the way to getting it to work properly with the new drawing system.


Posted by Cory Maccarrone 2001-05-18

Quaternion-based camera is in

I've changed the rotation camera functions to work on a quaternion-based calculation system. This will give us the ability to not only avoid Gimbal Lock, but also to perform all sorts of nifty rotations, transformations, etc. Also, the frame work is in for quaternion use on objects as well. (By in, I mean easily implementable. ;-) Next step: Billboarding. Then: Getting reflections to work again. Then: Z-Axis alpha sorting. Then: the release of version 0.1.0.... read more

Posted by Cory Maccarrone 2001-04-27

Queue-based drawing, etc

In preperation for the new alpha blending support, I've completely changed the engine from its former object-based, draw-on-demand system to a new side-based, queue driven system. This will allow for sorting of all alpha blended sides rather easily, and will also allow for more flexibility when working with individual sides of objects. <whew!>

Posted by Cory Maccarrone 2001-04-21

0.0.4 is out!

Lots of updates in this release. Reflections, particle fountains, updated controls, bug fixes, etc.

Very nice package

Posted by Cory Maccarrone 2001-04-16

Website is up

The Darkstar GL Homepage is now officially up. Check it out. Its all colorful. ;-)

Posted by Cory Maccarrone 2001-04-09

Controls, multi-world, memory

Big day. Multi-world support (or the ability to switch worlds on the fly) is now in place and works. There's still some memory leaks somewhere, but it works. Also, controls for the keyboard are much more smooth. No more jerky movements when you hold down a key. Now it just needs to be moved into the engine. ;-)

Posted by Cory Maccarrone 2001-04-01

New release! 0.0.3

I've completed a new release of DarkStar GL. This release includes a brand new (working) camera subsystem. Check out the release notes and change log for more info.

Posted by Cory Maccarrone 2001-03-16

CVS, Release, etc.

CVS has been updated with the most current source tree. Also, version 0.0.2 of the engine is now available for source download.

Posted by Cory Maccarrone 2001-03-03