
Dark Rose OS / News: Recent posts

DarkRose OS pre-alpha released!

We're happy to present first pre-alpha build of our operating system. You can found Live ISO and source tarball in Files section. Enjoy new UNIX-style operating system!

Posted by Dmitry Soloviov 2010-06-03

Release date changed

Unfortunately, release date moved to 3rd June 2010 due to some technical difficulties.

Posted by Dmitry Soloviov 2010-06-01

First release

We're happy to announce first release of pre-alpha Dark Rose OS! Version 0.0.1 (Alpha RC 1) Codename "Seed" will be published at 1st June 2010. Stay tuned!

Posted by Dmitry Soloviov 2010-05-29


Posted by Dmitry Soloviov 2010-05-28

Mailing list created

Created new mailing list

Posted by Dmitry Soloviov 2010-05-23

Installer issues

There was no updates for a long time. I trying some machine configurations for testing installer and still have big troubles. If anyone wants contribute the project, it would be great if he (or she) can test and improve some sections of installer script. "Plan 1" branch still active so just use SVN :)

Posted by Dmitry Soloviov 2010-05-01

Holidays. Release postponed.

I need to temporarily get out due to my holidays. I can't work on project till 17 or 19 Apr 2010. I'm sorry for inconvenience and I hope our designers will continue their works on some graphics and web things. Sure I hope we released first pre-alpha Live very soon!

Posted by Dmitry Soloviov 2010-04-12

Working review!

After twenty hours of work I create completely new much more stable FS repository model. Review 18 of Plan1 can be successfully built into working Dark Rose Live ISO.
Live system is incomplete and unstable. Installer isn't ready at this moment, but under active development.

Posted by Dmitry Soloviov 2010-03-30

Global changes in repo model

Tonight (at Moscow time) I would be trying to create completely new model of VFS snapshot stored in SVN. Current model (storing full FS "as is") is large and wrong. New model will be presented as set of gzip archives with some pieces of complete FS. Therefore big changes in Plan1 branch coming soon :)

Posted by Dmitry Soloviov 2010-03-29

Obtaining current system development snapshot

At this moment project still in planning stage. Current plan number and other planning-related things can be found in SVN: $SVNROOT/plan/README.txt. Actual plan number is 1 (one).
If you want to download current snapshot of planning stage use following command:
$ svn co darkroseos-plan

Posted by Dmitry Soloviov 2010-03-29

Design: what we need

1. Project web page at
2. Project logo for (current logo was drawn in 5 minutes just for fun using GIMP generators :)
3. Project logo for embedding to kernel (shows at sturtup kernel in framebuffer mode)
4. Live media desktop wallpaper for permanent use in our live system
5. Set of exciting exclusive themes for GNOME
6. ASCII art 70x20 (for using as "kernel welcome" in text mode)

Posted by Dmitry Soloviov 2010-03-29

Designers WANTED !!

Dark Rose OS development team recruiting web and graphic designers.
If you're graphic designer, please help this new OS by contributing artworks. Together we can create not only extremely flexible, but extremely good looking operating system!
If you're web designer, you may help project by creating official project web pages.

Posted by Dmitry Soloviov 2010-03-28

First build

Today test system finally prepared in full-automatic mode with first review of patched 'jhalfs' !
Current plan holds in svn: $SVNROOT/plan/Plan1
The system development will be in plan/ directory until first alpha will be built. So, just check out SVN :)

Posted by Dmitry Soloviov 2010-03-27


Here some advantages on current plane.

1) Move from x86_64 to more simple i686 (in beginning)
2) Destroy classic complex VFS and create new (like GoboLinux VFS)
3) Portage system is the best (IMHO), but Sorcery package management is pretty good. So, I think, we need build our own system, based both on Portage and Sorcery.

Posted by Dmitry Soloviov 2010-03-25

Project registered and opened

Dark Rose OS planning started.
Current architecture is x86_64, but I still unsure about it. i686 is more simply and stable. So, any architecture selection suggestion and criticism would be noticeable.

And of course any contributions to this project will be never forget :)
Developers, testers and system administrators are very welcome!

Posted by Dmitry Soloviov 2010-03-24