
Image Discuss

  • Dmitry Soloviov

    Dmitry Soloviov - 2010-04-03

    Post anything about oficial symbols here.

  • FunScript

    FunScript - 2010-04-04

    A bit different, but its the correct size and its pretty awesome.

  • Dmitry Soloviov

    Dmitry Soloviov - 2010-04-09

    I think, this image looks more clear. It have simple and strict lines, dark glow, etc. If you can create wallpaper from it, it would be great. One thing is pasting logotype (or simple text) and second thing is creating two variants of the paper: widescreen (e.g. 1680x1050) and normal (1024x768).

  • Dmitry Soloviov

    Dmitry Soloviov - 2010-04-09

    Oh, I mean THIS image:

  • FunScript

    FunScript - 2010-04-09

    That picture I was thinking could be a great background image, like automatically or just in a pre - defined database of images. If thats what the logo should be I'm okay with that, but I was thinking That the picture I have up there (the one I posted first) After some work could be what the boot screen looks like. If you've ever used Ubuntu thats what I mean like, I've never used debian or fedora or anything like that, I haven't explored very deeply into Linux OSs yet, but I mean like how its just a simple picture of the symbol and just an encroaching background around it. I'll smoothen that image for now.

  • Dmitry Soloviov

    Dmitry Soloviov - 2010-04-10

    I used many distros, even Mint :) Only two big designing things comes In DarkRose OS (both only inside Live, not inside the installed system): the OS logo (In the beginning of kernel loading process in framebuffer mode) and the default wallpaper. That's all at this stage, I think. Until we release the 0.1.x version :)
    Well, I want something like pictures above but with more strict presence

  • FunScript

    FunScript - 2010-04-10

    Alright, I can get some cool background images, I can make a few more like that awesome dark thing, and I can find some nice looking, more serene images. I'll work on the boot screen and logo and everything.

  • FunScript

    FunScript - 2010-05-10

    Heres something I made, its a bit of a draft, any and all suggestions are accept4d.

  • Dmitry Soloviov

    Dmitry Soloviov - 2010-06-05

    Guys! We really REALLY need some advanced graphics for our exclusive artwork embedded in OS !!!
    Pre-alpha already released and it isn't good what we haven't our artworks.
    Thanks to douglasquade, we have awesome web page! And I think, the style of this page can be good start point to design OS logo, wallpapers, etc..

  • FunScript

    FunScript - 2010-06-05

    Sorry bro, I was only uploading drafts because I wanted to know specifiacally what you wanted on the pic. I was hoping you could just imagine it better and tell me what you need for a final draft. I made this one but since it isn't a draft it will be more difficult to edit. I'll listen to any feedback and suggestions. Here's this:

    Uploaded with

  • Dmitry Soloviov

    Dmitry Soloviov - 2010-06-05

    OK. Your last image is good. I think you can add more interesting background with red and violet neon light lines. Oh! And there is very good font! I think, it would be better if you enlarge the text and add some interesting intersection lines inside the letters.

  • FunScript

    FunScript - 2010-06-05

    I expected you to ask to enlarge the text, and I will do, and the background idea sounds amazing bro. I was recently experimenting with Gimp and found some cool tricks and and what not so I can try to make something awesome. I might be able to finish tonight but I won't rush so you should expect it to come tomorrow. Any other ideas are open still to.
    P.S. I can make some awesome abstract images like that one in post 4. with any colors you want.

  • Dmitry Soloviov

    Dmitry Soloviov - 2010-06-06

    Cool! Well, I'll be waiting for preview.

  • FunScript

    FunScript - 2010-06-09

    Very sorry about the delay, I had internet access troubles, but It's worth it, I know it's probably not what you expected and if you want it different I might be able to redo. The only real problem is that the words clash with the background, and it's extremely huge…..

  • FunScript

    FunScript - 2010-06-09

    Oops, last post image was too big…. I got a thumbnail one, it's clickable….

  • Dmitry Soloviov

    Dmitry Soloviov - 2010-06-09

    WOW!! Great! This is very good image. The background and style of rose image is awesome!  But I think, there is can be some improvements:
    1) The image of the rose can be transparent (about 10-15%% transparency)
    2) Text with borders (thin lines with inverted color)
    3) There is some abstract graphics can be inside the letters (instead of one-color filling)
    And it can be good if some source text lines can be seen through right side of background (like on Gentoo GNOME wallpaper). This lines can be much less visible than background itself. You can get source text from Linux kernel ( for example.

  • FunScript

    FunScript - 2010-06-09

    I'll wok on it, I'm probably going to have access problems so I've been considering using aircrack but I'll try to work on it.

  • FunScript

    FunScript - 2010-08-06

    Okay, sorry that it took so long, and I'm still not totally finished…. 
    I made the rose transparent while still keeping it visible, I might've overdone it though. I also added a border but it looks a little crappy, I never really worked very much with paths though, sorry.
    I messed up that old image and I couldn't do anything about it so I had to re-do it, it doesn't look as good, but this one's still pretty awesome.
    I'm working on it now so I'm gonna add something into the letters as you've requested but I don't really know what you mean by getting the source text lines, sorry if it's in my face and I'm just not seeing it.

  • Dmitry Soloviov

    Dmitry Soloviov - 2010-08-25

    Good work! Now I can add it to kernel and users will see it in next release. I hope you slightly improve the picture in future.
    P.S. I need little and big versions in PNG format. 320x240, 1024x768 and 1680x1050

  • FunScript

    FunScript - 2010-08-25

    Here's the really big one.

    Here's the medium-ish one.

    And lastly this is the small one.

    I will work on it some more too.

    P.S. I didn't use the merged-layered image for the top one and had to rescale both words, so it might be slightly different.

  • FunScript

    FunScript - 2010-08-25

    If the images won't load here because they're too big:

    Big one

    Medium one.

    Sorry if the first post didn't load.

  • Dmitry Soloviov

    Dmitry Soloviov - 2010-08-26

    OK. Now I can merge it to kernel framebuffer image and to background for fltk.
    Waiting for the new pictures!


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