

  • Nathan Woelfle

    Nathan Woelfle - 2024-08-11

    A huge shoutout and thank you to Nial, who has graciously been testing software updates.

    I have released the 2.0.0 beta version of the DLC in the 2.0.0 BETA RELEASE folder. The latest version includes many improvements to code efficiency and error handling, as well as support for either a solitary Cover or Light Panel, and more. Additionally, support continues for ASCOM, and now also includes INDI.

    If you are currently using the DLC and want to try the latest version, you will need to uninstall any existing version and then download and install all of the latest 2.0.0 versions of the Arduino firmware and ASCOM or INDI. If you encounter any issues, please post them in the Issues forum.

    Remember, this is a DIY project and a beta release, so users intending to use this project or code do so at their own risk. Usage of the product and code signifies acceptance of those risks.

    Here is a comprehensive list of the updates:

    • Arduino firmware:
      * Supports variable speed of the servo, with up to 270 degrees of movement.
      * Improved serial communication and processing efficiency.

    • DLC driver and application:
      * Improved error handling.
      * Code refinement for better processing.

    • INDI:
      * Added support for INDI


    Last edit: Nathan Woelfle 2024-08-11
  • Nathan Woelfle

    Nathan Woelfle - 2024-08-22

    I'm excited to announce the release of version 2.0.0d, now available in the 2.0.0 BETA RELEASE folder. This update introduces multiple options for controlling the speed and style of servo movement. In addition to the existing linear movement option, which moves the servo in even increments based on the timeToMoveCover variable, you can now select from several new easing functions: Circular, Cubic, Expo, Quadratic, Quartic, Quint, and Sine. These easing functions offer smoother motion by gradually easing in and out.

    Please note: when using any of the easing options, if the movement is halted and resumed with less than 50% of the total motion remaining, the remainder will complete using a linear approach. Additionally, ensure that you move the two libraries to the appropriate Arduino library folder.


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