
Seeduino connexion issue

  • m0k2001

    m0k2001 - 2023-03-22

    Hello, first I'd like to congrat for your impressive job and your share. It's a wonderful project; incredibly stimulating for me.
    I tested the whole project (LED panel + servo) with an Arduino Nano and everything works fine. Then I planed to use a Seeduino Xiao to have a smaller card and PCB.
    I first bought a Seeduino Xiao RP2040 which was working fine but I made a mistake and this one is definitely dead...
    I have a separate Xiao, but with SAMD21 controller. I successfully passed through EEPROM issues with an extra library in arduino code.
    When I test the card with Arduino IDE Serial Monitor, connexion is fine, card gives correct replies to orders (written directly in console).
    But when I try to connect this card with your Windows Software to test (very nice soft BTW), connexion fails and despite all my efforts I couldn't find a solution. The card correctly appears in COM ports, I can successfully select it, with the right baudrate.
    So I'm in dead end ; that's why I try to contact you. I don't know how the Windows app tries to connect to Arduino. I assume it tries to get stored parameters (servo position, led luminosity, wide- and broadband values) and checks connexion...
    Anyway, if you have an idea or any informations that could help...
    Best regards.

  • Nathan Woelfle

    Nathan Woelfle - 2023-03-23

    Hi m0k2001,

    Thank you for your kind words; I'm glad you enjoy the project. The Windows app connects to the ASCOM interface, which makes and receives the calls and commands to the Arduino. I'm sorry you're having trouble getting it to work with your Seeduino Xiao. I am unfamiliar with that product so I will be little help. Please let us know if you do get it working with the Seeduino.


  • m0k2001

    m0k2001 - 2023-03-23

    OK. I give up trying on this board.
    I've ordered Seeduino RP2040 which worked flawlessly during my earlier tests.
    Anyway I thank you for giving me this quick reply.
    If you're interested in getting Gerber Files I created for Seeduino and for Arduino Nano, please let me know, I'll share my small part of work with pleasure (I personaly replaced LM1084IT by LM338T, easier to find).
    Sorry for my approximative english...
    Last point : I saw log files in screen captures in your project summary (I join one to this message). How did you get these ? From ASCOM platform ?
    Have a nice day.

  • Nathan Woelfle

    Nathan Woelfle - 2023-03-23


    The log files you refer to are not log files, so to speak, but confirmation reports that show the developer's product operates within the ASCOM-defined parameters. The first shows successful operation if the user has a light panel, and the other is without. If you'd like to share the files, I'd happily post them after reviewing them; thank you for the offer.


  • Nathan Woelfle

    Nathan Woelfle - 2023-04-15

    Michael, that looks good. The mounting holes don't look like they will align with current design; did you make changes to the box? Also what about for power? Do you finished pictures of the board in your setup?


    Last edit: Nathan Woelfle 2023-04-15
  • m0k2001

    m0k2001 - 2023-04-16

    For power, there's a DC IN jack 5,5/2,1 on the top left.
    My refractor is smaller than yours so I'm currently setting a new design for my personal use (hich I can share if someone's interested).
    Basically I will use a simplified PCB, removed from the Arduino Nano alimentation part (as it have to be permanently USB-wired to computer, thus being USB-powered). So I could remove Zener Diode and 15 ohms resistor. I kept the DC IN jack to porvide power to servo and Led panel.
    So I could get an even smaller PCB (37 x 60mm) and therfore a smaller container box.

  • Nathan Woelfle

    Nathan Woelfle - 2023-04-17

    OK. That makes more sense.

    I'd be more than happy to give credit and include a new folder that provides your PCB design along with the necessary 3D files for someone to develop another version. Let me know when you've completed everything and I'll work with you to get everything posted.



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