
N.I.N.A. interface

  • Morten Strengelsrud


    Great project you have here, and thanks for sharing.
    From earlier I have a flat panel mounted on the wall of the observatory, and was looking at this project for just the dust cap functionality.
    I have made a test setup, and installed your firmware and drivers, and are using NINA to control it.
    The servo seams to work perfectly. The problem I'm facing is that I'm not able to use both your Darklight Cover along with my wall mounted flatpanel (Alnitak clone with Arduino), as these two drivers ends up in the same Flat Panel equipment tab.
    Do you have any directions or guidan on how I could either us two drivers from the same Flat Panel equipment tab, or move the Darklight Cover driver to the Switch equipment tab?

    Thanks again for your great work.


  • Nathan Woelfle

    Nathan Woelfle - 2022-11-09

    Hi Morten,

    Thank you for the compliment.

    I am unfamiliar with the workings of N.I.N.A., so I can't comment exactly on how the implementation would work. I would reach out to the developers to see if they could implement the ability to use two drivers in the equipment tab, one for a scope cover and the other for a light panel.

    The DLC driver cannot be written as a Switch; this would remove the ASCOM support for the cover. Since you mentioned using an Arduino for the light panel, I recommend the light panel be set up using a switch driver. There are instructions for writing a driver on the ASCOM website and Youtube. However, I'm not sure how this will connect with N.I.N.A.

    I wish you luck and hope you can get both of your systems supported to achieve the functionality you desire.



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