
using 2 servo on 1 arduino


    EDERLE - 2021-07-25

    I'm very interested by your work, but in my case, I need to use 2 servos.
    Used on an Ritchey Chretien 300mm, I have to set up 2 panels to allow
    smaller panels. But each panel must be maneuvered individually, with
    min-max values independent for each. On the other hand, I do not need to
    pilot a light flat device.
    Is it possible to modify ascom driver and arduino firmware to allow that ?
    This modification could also allow the use of a second cap on a guide
    scope, for example.
    Thanks for your help.
    In attachment, photo of my setup with 2 servos, but without controller for
    the moment.

    Best regards,

  • Nathan Woelfle

    Nathan Woelfle - 2021-07-27

    Hi Florian. Your design looks great!

    "But each panel must be maneuvered individually, with
    min-max values independent for each. Is it possible to modify ascom driver and arduino firmware to allow that ?"

    I have a few questions. Why do the panels need to be moved independently and have different values? Can they not both open and close at the same time? Are you trying to open the panel further than 90 degrees?

    Thinking about your design and looking at the pictures, I believe you should be able to use the existing project as-is. You would need to connect the signal line to each servo, and if you're using a 270-degree servo, adjust the openPos and closePos variables. The ASCOM software would not require modification unless you're trying to operate each panel independently. The Arduino software I've provided is open-source; you are more than welcome to modify it in any way you'd like.
    I'll be more than happy to try and help where possible. Let me know your thoughts.



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