Activity for ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Peter, I have released BETA version 2.0.0d which provides multiple options for controlling servo speed. R/ Nathan

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Taylor, Overall, yes, the idea is "relatively easy" to add to the project. I’ve considered adding a flexible heating element, similar to the one you referenced, and it’s something I was planning to investigate in the future. I’ve been focused on software updates and finalizing a couple of PCB designs for the current iteration, so I haven’t had the chance to test the warmth of EL panels to determine if it'll offer any benefit. Over the last five years, I haven’t seen a need for it, but it may depend...

  • Taylor J Taylor J posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I played around with it a little bit. I attached a sample Arduino program with dew control inputs/outputs and a function added to your program. I probably didn't integrate it perfectly as I have never written anything for ASCOM before, but its a starting point. Added a DHT22 sensor (ambient conditions) to pin 8, PWM 12v MOSFET heater control to pin 3, and a DS18B20 temp sensor (for the heating element behind the flat panel for PWM control) to pin 4.

  • Taylor J Taylor J posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm working on a flip/flat panel for my AT130EDX prior to it's arrival, based on your design. I'm looking at adding a dew heater to the panel, similar to what DeepSkyDad and Wanderer Astro have been adding to their latest models. It seems like it should be pretty easy to add, using the already available 12V power and a PWM pin from the Arduino Nano. Using something like this from Amazon behind the EL panel:

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator updated /2.0.0 BETA RELEASE/Arduino/DarkLight_v2.0.0d/

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm excited to announce the release of version 2.0.0d, now available in the 2.0.0 BETA RELEASE folder. This update introduces multiple options for controlling the speed and style of servo movement. In addition to the existing linear movement option, which moves the servo in even increments based on the timeToMoveCover variable, you can now select from several new easing functions: Circular, Cubic, Expo, Quadratic, Quartic, Quint, and Sine. These easing functions offer smoother motion by gradually...

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /2.0.0 BETA RELEASE/Arduino/DarkLight_v2.0.0d/Readme.txt

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /2.0.0 BETA RELEASE/Arduino/DarkLight_v2.0.0d/

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /2.0.0 BETA RELEASE/Arduino/DarkLight_v2.0.0d/DarkLight_v2.0.0d.ino

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /2.0.0 BETA RELEASE/DarkLight_CC_Manual.pdf

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /2.0.0 BETA RELEASE/DarkLight_CC_Manual.pdf

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /2.0.0 BETA RELEASE/DarkLight_CC_Manual.docx

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    A huge shoutout and thank you to Nial, who has graciously been testing software updates. I have released the 2.0.0 beta version of the DLC in the 2.0.0 BETA RELEASE folder. The latest version includes many improvements to code efficiency and error handling, as well as support for either a solitary Cover or Light Panel, and more. Additionally, support continues for ASCOM, and now also includes INDI. If you are currently using the DLC and want to try the latest version, you will need to uninstall any...

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /Screenshots and videos/RC12_cover.mp4

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    A huge shoutout and thank you to Nial, who has graciously been testing software updates. I have released the 2.0.0 beta version of the DLC in the 2.0.0 BETA RELEASE folder. The latest version includes many improvements to code efficiency and error handling, as well as support for either a solitary Cover or Light Panel. Additionally, support continues for ASCOM, and now also includes INDI. If you are currently using the DLC and want to try the latest version, you will need to uninstall any existing...

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    A huge shoutout and thank you to Nial, who has graciously been testing software updates. I have released the 2.0.0 beta version of the DLC in the 2.0.0 BETA RELEASE folder. The latest version includes many improvements to code efficiency and error handling, as well as support for either a solitary Cover or Light Panel. Additionally, support continues for ASCOM, and now also includes INDI. If you are currently using the DLC and want to try the latest version, please download and use all of the latest...

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /2.0.0 BETA RELEASE/ASCOM driver/DarkLight_Driver_x86_64_Setup_v2.0.0c4.exe

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /2.0.0 BETA RELEASE/DarkLight_CC_Manual.docx

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /2.0.0 BETA RELEASE/DLC App/DarkLight_App_Installer_v_2.0.0.msi

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /2.0.0 BETA RELEASE/INDI/indi_darklight_covercalibrator.xml.cmake

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /2.0.0 BETA RELEASE/INDI/darklight_covercalibrator.h

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /2.0.0 BETA RELEASE/INDI/darklight_covercalibrator.cpp

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /2.0.0 BETA RELEASE/Arduino/DarkLight_v2.0.0c.ino

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    A huge thank you to Nial, who has graciously been testing software updates and has also contributed to the project. His files have been added to the STL 3D Parts section in a new folder called 'RC12' for anyone looking to build a cover for their setup.

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /2.0.0 BETA/DarkLight_CC_Manual.docx

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /2.0.0 BETA/DLC App/DarkLight_App_Installer_v_2.0.0.msi

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /2.0.0 BETA/ASCOM driver/DarkLight_Driver_x86_64_Setup_v2.0.0c4.exe

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /2.0.0 BETA/INDI/indi_darklight_covercalibrator.xml.cmake

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /2.0.0 BETA/INDI/darklight_covercalibrator.h

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /2.0.0 BETA/INDI/darklight_covercalibrator.cpp

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /2.0.0 BETA/Arduino/DarkLight_v2.0.0c.ino

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /STL 3D Parts/RC12/RC_12_cap_and_bracket.pdf

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /STL 3D Parts/RC12/RC 12 cap and bracket.pdf

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /STL 3D Parts/RC12/rc12_servo_mount.stl

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /STL 3D Parts/RC12/rc12_cap_secondaryFocuser.stl

  • ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator ASCOM DarkLight Cover/Calibrator released /STL 3D Parts/RC12/rc12_cap.stl

  • Piotr Gaik Piotr Gaik posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you for your answer. I'm waiting for the update. Peter

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello Piotr, The current version doesn't contain the ability to control the speed. There is a library called VarSpeedServo that you can use, unfortunately though, it's no longer maintained. I hope to put the final touches on an updated version of the DLC soon that will provide different speed control options. R/ Nathan

  • Piotr Gaik Piotr Gaik posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Nathan. Something went wrong. Can you control the opening and closing speed with the panel? If so, how? Thank you. greetings Piotr

  • Piotr Gaik Piotr Gaik posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><meta name="Generator" content="Microsoft Word 15 (filtered medium)"><style><!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:"Cambria Math"; panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;} @font-face {font-family:Calibri; panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;} @font-face {font-family:inherit;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {margin:0cm; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif;} a:link, span.MsoHyperlink {mso-style-priority:99;...

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion Issues

    No problem with the delayed response; life can get busy, and I completely understand. Sounds like you had some good distractions. Regarding the voltage, we should only see 12V at the 2-pin terminal when the brightness is at its maximum. We can check voltages, but I'll wait until after you've had a chance to verify the transistors. Regarding your question about the Xiao SEED ESP32C3, they do support Arduino code, so you could use one, but it will require some modifications to the circuits. Take your...

  • Damon Ferguson Damon Ferguson posted a comment on discussion Issues

    Sorry it took so long to respond, wife and grandchild keeping me pre-occupied. I know the el panel is functional as I have bench tested it. It's a 5 inch Round EL panel I ordered from Ellumiglow with a 12 inverter specific to that size. I'll have to disassemble the housing to get the board out and take some pictures so you can see what I have done, probably easier for me to help explain but in a nutshell, I use a 2 pin terminal to connect the light. My thinking is there should be 12 volts at the...

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion Issues

    Hi Damon, Thank you for getting in touch. I'm sorry to hear about the power issue with the panel. My initial suspicion is either a loose wire connection from the transformer to the panel or a malfunctioning component. I've encountered a similar issue before, where a wire connection to the panel became loose over time due to repeated openings and closings. As you've built two panels, if they're close by, a quick troubleshooting step would be to try plugging the affected panel into the other device...

  • Damon Ferguson Damon Ferguson posted a comment on discussion Issues

    Hi Quick question: what would cause power to no longer output to the EL panel? I have built 2 of these these already using the exact components as per the manual. Worked wonderful for at least a year and a half but then just one day decided to not power on the EL panel. I switched out arduino and still the same thing. Servo control still functions fine. I have no problem building another as it takes me less time to do that than de-soldering, investigating and replacing the bad component. What do...

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Fantastic! I'm glad the resolved your issue. You are very welcome. Enjoy! R/ Nathan

  • Vladimir Vladimir posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks again! I've added a minimum and maximum pulse width to match the servo I'm using. The trembling disappeared. Regards, Vladimir

  • Vladimir Vladimir posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you! I will try it and get back with the result. Best regards, Vladimir

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    That can happen sometimes depending on the servo used. There are two possible ways to resolve this. First, you can edit the DLC Arduino file and update myServo.attach as follows: myServo.attach(motor, minPulseWidth, maxPulseWidth);, replacing minPulseWidth and maxPulseWidth with your servo information. The second way is to edit Arduino's Servo library. Navigate to the Arduino libraries folder > Servo > src > and edit the Servo.h file. Change the MIN_PULSE_WIDTH and MAX_PULSE_WIDTH. I also recommend...

  • Vladimir Vladimir modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes, I meant after movement, close or open, doesn't matter. It is not a jittering, maybe. It is looks like a short shaking with period about 30-40 seconds.

  • Vladimir Vladimir modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes, I meant after movement, close or open, doesnt matter. It is not a jittering, maybe. It is looks like a short shaking with period about 30-40 seconds.

  • Vladimir Vladimir posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes, I meant after movement, close or open, doesnt matter.

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Vladimir, I'm glad you found the project. Thank you for your kind words. You're very welcome! When you say servo motor jittering, do you mean when you first initial or after a movement? R/ Nathan

  • Vladimir Vladimir posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Nathan, Thank's for your job! I have problem with servo motor jitting. Has anyone faced with it? Any suggestion how to fix this?

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Well, I had more free time on my hands than I thought I would during the holiday, so I've begun developing an INDI driver. The layout is done; now I'm working through a few kinks. I hope to get it sorted out quickly enough to complete the documentation and submit it for approval. Thanks for your patience.

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion Issues

    Nial and I have been able to resolve his issue. I want to clean up the code and have him retest to ensure everything functions appropriately. Then, I can release an update. Have an excellent finish to your year. Happy New Year everyone!

  • Ryan Beckett Ryan Beckett posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Nathan, Thank you for providing the file so quickly. Unfortunately the custom breadboard (ElectroCookie) in Fritzing doesn't work as the standard strip board does where you can cut traces within the design. I did spend some time trying to design a PCB with your file. Maybe a long term project. While replying to you I just realized I can create a close mock up of the ElectroCookie boards I'm using. This might actually work. I am waiting. on supplies to fix my first board I was using for flats and...

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion Issues

    In case anyone is following this discussion. Nial has been gracious enough to provide many logs, and we uncovered one error, which has been resolved. Unfortunately, it has created a new issue for him, which we are still working to resolve. Thankfully, he has completed some verification testing, and I should have a new release in the not-so-distant future. Happy holidays to everyone!

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Ryan, Attached is a copy of the fritzing schematic. I hope this helps. R/ Nathan

  • Ryan Beckett Ryan Beckett posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Does anyone have a fritzing file of the full schematic they could share. I'm building a new board due to the errors in my first board. I want to create a breadboard layout to hep me layout the parts better and maybe have fewer errors. Thanks, Ryan

  • Ben Clark Ben Clark posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Nathan, I'm sure it wasn't your fault, just my poor beginner level understanding. Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me. I'll have a crack at it for a couple of days then get back to you. Best regards, Ben

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ben, I'm sorry for the misinterpretation. I didn't mean to literally put the table in the turnPanelTo() function, but make the calls to the table from that function. Arduino has two main parts: setup () and loop(). The variables you declare need to go before those, so you'll need to adjust the table accordingly. You'll also need to transfer his other functions and adapt the usage of the analogWrite. It won't be a simple matter of copying and pasting from his to mine; you'll have to make some edits....

  • Ben Clark Ben Clark posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Nathan, Thank you for the quick reply. Mine is designed exactly as the schematic shows and I have changed the pin to 10 in your Arduino code. For the analogWrite function would it need to be changed to analogWrite16 like it is in Dave's code? I've also hit a roadblock into where I need to go once I add the lookup table into the turnPanelTo() function. I changed the lightValue to include the lookup (just within the turnPanelTo() function) but I'm not convinced that was the correct move. I'll attach...

  • Nial Nial posted a comment on discussion Issues

    Yeah, I was toggling the light on and off multiple times, and it would hit an increasing delay between the light state changing and the interface being re-enabled I also tried setting max birghtness to 255 which unfortunately didn't work. This time I toggled multiple times, disconnected, then reconnected, and tried to toggle again and it happened immediately. So was working before disconnect/reconnect. I've attached the latest logs Thanks for all your hard work!

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Ben, Thank you for the compliments on my design. I'm assuming you designed yours exactly as his schematic shows, with the light on pin 10, and you changed my Arduino code to use that pin? It is possible to edit my design and incorporate his table. Set the maxBrightness = 255, and include his table in the turnPanelTo() function. A few more coding changes will also be required to ensure you report your values correctly to ASCOM, but that should get you pointed in the right direction. Also, remember,...

  • Ben Clark Ben Clark posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Nathan, I am currently using Dave Allmon's solution ( to dim my EL panel. The electronics are slightly different for it but I thought I would try to use your code anyway. The panel managed to turn on, but only at the maximum brightness meaning it didn't dim. Is there anyway I could implement the dimming code into your solution as I really like the interface and ASCOM compatability you have designed (plus the servo code is really useful...

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks for the additional logs. "In answer to your first question the light did turn on before it froze." OK, that's good. That supports the logs that the command was sent and received, but the confirmation # sent back to NINA was lost for some reason. I cannot reproduce the issue you're experiencing on my test bench, even with the 12V source disconnected, but I have a theory. I'll do some testing and get back to you. It may be a day or two. In the meantime, for giggles and fun, as Ryan's post mentioned....

  • Nial Nial posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    And here are the logs when the DarkLight software stopped responding

  • Nial Nial posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hey Nathan, thanks for getting back to me so quick! In answer to your first question the light did turn on before it froze And I've retrieved some logs from testing today, I've attached them and hopefully they help. Although it was a bit harder to get it to reproduce today. The toggle button actually started working straight off, however after one or two times there was a long delay before the toggle would happen. I also tested swapping back to the DarkLight program as well, and experienced similar...

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Nial, Sorry to hear you're having some trouble. Thanks for bringing up the issue you're experiencing and including the error log and screenshot. I'm glad you've been able to test against the DLC app and verify it works as expected, narrowing the issue down to doing something specifically with NINA. Let's get this issue addressed. I only know one other person who has the DLC setup with NINA. @Ryan did have a couple of problems with NINA and was able to resolve them. You can see his issue here:...

  • Nial Nial posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I should also mention that once it gets locked up like this I need to disconnect the usb, and power the panel off, before I can use it again

  • Nial Nial posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hey Nathan, Just wanted to flag an issue I’m having using DarLight with NINA. It connects fine, and the open and closing of the panel works great, however toggling the light from the software seems to bring back the CoverCalibrator.get_CoverState() issue. The error from the logs is: 2023-12-05T16:06:42.3781|INFO|FlatDeviceVM.cs|ToggleLight|449|Toggling light to True 2023-12-05T16:08:42.8050|ERROR|DeviceUpdateTimer.cs|Start|103 ASCOM.DriverAccessCOMException (0x80040402): Timed out waiting for received...

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Awesome Peter! I'm glad you got it working. Thank you for the kind words. It was my pleasure to be able to assist. I hope to see pictures of your build and future photos here or on one of the web forums.

  • Peter Johanson Peter Johanson posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Okay, electronics do work. i was blindly following the image of the board, rather than schematics. My PNP and NPN were not placed correctly but now it finally works. At first i was quite worried that EL panel was way too dim but after testing it, its working quite well. Next part is to print out the EL panel holder/cover for my 150P Newtonian. This is such a nice project and huge thanks to the maker Nathan who has been quite helpful and active in quick replies. Without him i would be stuck hehe....

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Damon, thank you also for the feedback. I'm not adverse to a driver for INDI. Unfortunately, I'm currently occupied with other priorities, preventing me from familiarizing myself with the information needed to complete this task. If someone else can take the lead in the development of the driver, I'm still open to assisting, providing input, and answering questions where possible.

  • Damon Ferguson Damon Ferguson posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    An INDI driver would be awesome

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    That would be fantastic! I have not had any involvement with INDI nor completed any research into it.

  • Giuseppe De Pace Giuseppe De Pace posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I would like to help you implement this driver but I have never programmed in indi... You?

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    As far as I know, no one uses this project with INDI drivers. I have not developed any, and no one has approached me. If you or anyone else puts something together, I'd happily offer it.

  • Giuseppe De Pace Giuseppe De Pace posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Has anyone used this project with indi drivers for raspberry? If so, can you help me use it there too?

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Peter, Thanks for posting the pictures. Everything appears connected correctly, so it's odd that it isn't working for you. Please provide the model #s for the two transistors you're using so I can doublecheck the pinout to be more confident, though. I want to clarify a couple of things. When you say you "have power at the little box," is what looks like the audio jack on the left side of the image, is the little box you're referring to? Is that the inverter? What voltage are you getting, and at which...

  • Peter Johanson Peter Johanson posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yeah, i did everything according to schematics with brand new components -no luck. ive recreated just the flat panel portion on protoboard. Still wont turn EL panel on. i have power at the little box for the EL panel regardless of what app is saying whether its on or off...

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Peter, You are correct; I did mislabel the two transistors in the image. Great catch, thank you! I will have to update. The schematic, though, is correct and should be what it followed. If you've installed the transistors correctly, as shown in the schematic, which is correct, then one or both transistors may have been damaged or are faulty. Here's a video for how to check them to make sure they are both functioning correctly. Let me know the results. R/...

  • Peter Johanson Peter Johanson posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hey Nathan, i have not been able to resolve it yet. I did not know that i wouod need that small box DC-AC converter as well in the mix. So ive looked at the schematics in the manual and from what ive gathered while watching youtube videos on NPN and PNP, it seems that you have switched them up or at least labled them up wrongly in the image of your board, where you have servo and EL panel electronics devided by the color. First NPN should be closer to the EL panel plug. I did that. ive switched PNP...

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Peter, I'm glad you've gotten it partially resolved. The EL Panel will not work if connected directly to the board. You need the little box; it's an inverter and converts from DC to AC. If it still doesn't work after that, check the PNP and verify it is connected correctly. If that still doesn't work, I'd recommend changing the NPN and/or the PNP; one or both may have gone bad if it was initially wired incorrectly. I've done that myself a time or two. Let me know the results, and we'll go from t...

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Peter, I'm glad you've gotten it partially resolved. The EL Panel will not work if connected directly to the board. You need the little box; it and inverter and converts from DC to AC. If it still doesn't work after that, check the PNP and verify it is connected correctly. If that still doesn't work, I'd recommend changing the NPN and/or the PNP; one or both may have gone bad if it was initially wired incorrectly. I've done that myself a time or two. Let me know the results, and we'll go from th...

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Peter, I'm glad you've gotten it partially resolved. The EL Panel will not work if connected directly to the board. You need the little box; it converts from DC to AC. If it still doesn't work after that, check the PNP and verify it is connected correctly. If that still doesn't work, I'd recommend changing the NPN and/or the PNP; one or both may have gone bad if it was initially wired incorrectly. I've done that myself a time or two. Let me know the results, and we'll go from there.

  • Peter Johanson Peter Johanson posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have managed to get the servo motor to work. LM1084IT-ADJ was wired wrong. NPN transistor was also wired wrong and i hoped that would solve my problems but nope. Still cant get EL panel to light up. I checked the wires leading from the board and they are live, all the time but EL panel doesnt want to light up. I am missing something here. i checked the EL panel itself by wiring it back to its little (buzzing while turned on) power transformer which came with the EL panel. I dont know if EL panel...

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The first big diode is in the right direction. Looking at the two images and solving why there is no power going to the Arduino first, the circuit seems correct. What is the power supply you are using? 12V # Amps? Do you have a voltmeter? Unplug the USB before starting, and let's walk through the components. Check the voltage at the beginning before the first diode. Are you getting a reading? What is it? Keep the ground lead on the input ground; are you getting a voltage after the first diode? After...

  • Peter Johanson Peter Johanson posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Makes sense. In all previous projects, arduino would light up when power is connected even though it has not been plugged into pc. is the first big diode connected in the right direction?

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, Peter; thanks for the additional information and the picture. You definitely have a power issue because, at minimum, without the USB connected, the Arduino should be getting power, and it would also explain why neither the EL panel doesn't light up nor the servo move. Could you provide a picture of the bottom of your circuit board so I can attempt to trace all of your connections? Also, what is the rating of your power supply? R/ Nathan

  • Peter Johanson Peter Johanson posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you for replying. You are correct, i did not provide much details. Here are the images of my board. I switched arduino position because i wanted to be able to plug usb directly inside the box. When i connect only 12v power, arduino does not light up, it only lights up when i ppug it into the pc. When i connect usb to pc, EL panel to the appropriate cable and servo motor to its plug and open the app, i am able to connect the app to the device, or so i think because there is no error message...

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Peter, I'm sorry to hear you've hit a snag in your development. It's OK not to cut the USB cable if you can connect directly to your Arduino. The purpose of a larger USB cable was to maintain comparable sizing to other equipment. The instructions for cutting the cable and the pinout can be found on page 12 of the manual. Regarding your setback, unfortunately, you don't provide many details, so it's hard to offer advice at this time. When you say you "try to use the cover/panel via app nothing...

  • Peter Johanson Peter Johanson posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, i am sorry if this is not the right thrrad to ask my question. i have followed instructions, soldered everything togather. When i connect arduino via usb to my pc i am able to upload the sketch to it but when i try to use the cover/panel via app nothing works, nothing is happening. Now i will admit, i did not cut my usb cable, i did not see enough images nor explanations about that and i figured i already have usb cable from my arduino to pc. now that might be where issue lies, i dont know....

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Andrew, Thank you for your question. It's possible to control LEDs instead of an EL Panel. My design has a maximum voltage output of 12V to the light source; you need to find LEDs that support this voltage or add some components to reduce it. R/ Nathan

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Ok had a look at the code a little closer, it seems the EL panel PWM is adjusted via pin 3, the same as the Alnitak code. So my assumption would be that the Darklight Controller along with a MOS driver, the controller should be able to operate it. I will be testing this thory this week. If so this will make this project so much easier for me to use. :)

  • Andrew Wall Andrew Wall posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    HI Nathan and all, I recently got my Dust cover Flap device working again and wondered if it was possible to control LED lights via PWM instead of an EL panel? I use an external flat panel currently using modified arduino code for Alnitak LED driver. It uses an Arduino nano, a MOS circuit. A IRF520 MOSFET Driver Module (HCMODU0083) and a light panel, controlled via pin 3. I would like to control via the Darklight driver as it has the option for both opening a shutter and controlling the light. Currently...

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm glad you've got it working. You are very welcome! R/ Nathan

  • Luciano Luciano posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Nathan, thanks for your quick response. I followed your advice and I think the problem is in the sopsensine of the usb port. Anyway, it works now. The next project with panel included! Thanks again for your help and for sharing your work. Greetings Luciano

  • Nathan Woelfle Nathan Woelfle posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Lucian, Thank you for the kind words. I'm sorry you're running into some trouble. Thank you for supplying the error text and the screen capture. Based on another user, who was also getting the same error, I believe the issue was caused by the computer putting USB devices to sleep. In Device Manager, can you verify that you have unchecked the option "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power"? It may need to be checked in multiple places. If that's not it, I believe you are losing...

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