
Dark Destiny / News: Recent posts

Finally new version available soon

Finally we are confident enough to release our current version to you. We are starting a new round in december and plan to repackage a new version for downloading within the next 2 weeks.

We will provide a ready to go database in MySQL 5.1 with all of our current game data like buildings, ressources, ship modules, researches and so on. We made some progress on customizable content, but it is still necessary that you bring some programming skills in Java with you if you really want to do significant modding.

Posted by Zhdophanti 2011-12-06

Still no new release but progress ...

We are working currently on a setup routine to help interested people setting up the game easier. If there is any interest in modding the game, please let us know on sourceforge forums or our forums at

We would really appreciate if there are people who want to mod our game to their own needs, and would be glad to help you achieving your goal by making our game more generic and moddable.

Posted by Zhdophanti 2011-05-02

Version 0.6 nearly finished

Yeah, it's nearly done! The new round is already startet and also english speaking players are now welcome (even the translation is not quite complete yet).

As we have many new features now, we still need to track some bugs down. As i'm a bit of a perfectionist, i don't wanna bother you with too many bugs and incomplete features. But you may look forward to an "Installation Guide" which will be included in next download package.... read more

Posted by Zhdophanti 2010-12-31

Status update

It's already been over a year since last news entry. Much has been done ... about 80-90% of the game has been refactored. The game supports now full multi-language and many improvements have been done in usability and user-interface.

I'm still planing to make the next release version much more friendly in terms of setting up the game. Therefore i've implemented a setup routine which combines all necessary steps to reset the server and start a round. ... read more

Posted by Zhdophanti 2010-10-27

Major Refactoring

So i change all descriptions to english slowly as we are currently doing a major refactoring of the game and also support multi language.

As the old code has grown over time and got very attractable to bugs and redundant code parts, we have started to do a major refactoring of the whole game.

The most important steps here focus on:
- Clear separation of user interface and application logic
- More sophisticated and performant database connection framework
- Multilanguage support for the whole game
- Better understandable code ... read more

Posted by Zhdophanti 2009-11-07

Version Alpha 0.4

Wird wieder schwer am Projekt gearbeitet und bis etwa irgendwann im Februar müsste die nächste stabile Version verfügbar sein.

Die größten Änderungen beziehen sich auf
- frei definierbare Ressourcen
- rundenübergreifender Bodenkampf
- dynamisches Menü
- bessere Planetennavigation
- Ingame Chat mit automatischem Login
- Neues grafisches Design

Bis Februar ist noch etwas Zeit somit können auch noch weitere Änderungen hinzu kommen. Falls sich noch etwas ändert, wird das bekannt gegeben.

Posted by Zhdophanti 2009-01-04

Umstieg CVS -> SVN

Die Entwicklung wird jetzt nur noch in SVN durchgeführt. CVS bleibt sicherheitshalber noch etwas verfügbar, wird aber nicht mehr aktualisiert.

Posted by Zhdophanti 2008-07-25

CVS auf aktuellem Entwicklungsstand

Die Versionsverwaltung wurde soeben auf den neuesten Stand gebraucht, der Code entspricht nun der akutellen lauffähigen Version.

In Kürze wird noch ein komplett Package mit Datenbank folgen.

Posted by Zhdophanti 2008-01-29


Mit der nächsten stabilen Version die in ungefähr 1 Woche erwartet werden kann, wird der Source Code + Datenbank zur leichteren Installation als Zip bereitgestellt werden.

Ebenso mit einem Script zur Universumsgenerierung.

Posted by Zhdophanti 2007-04-05

Projekt eingerichtet

Der Code wurde im CVS bereitgestellt. Ein entsprechendes SQL Dump für Testzwecke wird in Kürze ebenfalls zusammengestellt.

Posted by Zhdophanti 2006-11-20