
Developaz API / News: Recent posts

DAPI - completly rewritten

While DAPI used to by a GUI based PHP emulating tool for website
creation, it now has been rewritten to be a fully object oriented
PHP framework for creating web applications. Since you are now
programming PHP - just using DAPI classes for support, you should
know PHP rather well. DAPI now consists of two parts:

1) A class loader, that - in JAVA manner - loads all classes needed.
If a class is not available on the local system or outdated, the
class loader will load the new class (or class tree) from an update
server.... read more

Posted by Dominik Wittenbeck 2002-11-23

DAPI - Initial Release

Finally! DAPI has been released. Many features, hopefully little bugs. But I know you prove me wrong ;-)

However, I would like to give you an overview on what DAPI is and what it's intend is.

Developaz Application Programming Interface is meant for developing webbased Applications. The goal was to seperate layout from content (using templates and customizable HTML-tags) and content from functionality. DAPI is based on PHP and every file of a project carrying the .dapi extension will be compiled into a PHP file.... read more

Posted by Dominik Wittenbeck 2001-12-03