

Has been released.

Bugs fixed:
13/07/2024 - 10.3.0
Fixed bug that was ignoring filter on multi table selects, ie those methods with SelectColumn[].

Features enhanced:
Date and number encoders will use the string value if the value is a string!

Added a class type constructor for each table type constructor in PropertyFilter
Use first table in select column for all select columns missing a table.

Removed functions from the constructors in PropertyFilter, added set function methods with parameters
Functions work on 'normal' and 'in' selects in PropertyFilter

Functions now also work in SelectColumn

Features Added:
Adding group by/order by functionality. I think this justifies the minor change number, not just the build.

Have added "Driver support jars" to the generators.xml file (primarily because SQLite requires slf4j.api.jar)

Features Deprecated:
Deprecated public Long selectCount(){} in favour of public Object selectAggregate(){} which takes an aggregate function (count, min, max, avg, sum etc.)

31-07-2024 - Released

Posted by medge 2024-07-31

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