
DAME - Database Access Made Easy / News: Recent posts

NULL value support for DAME - V 1.2.2

DAME Version 1.2.2 is released on 10th February 2003. This release supports accessing NULL values from databases through C++ interfaces. Besides this change, some minor bugs have been fixed.

DAME is a tool to generate C++ and Java classes from SQL statements.

Posted by Dakshinamurthy Karra 2003-02-10

Java/JDBC Support for DAME - V 1.2.1

DAME Version 1.2.1 is released on 2 Feb, 2003. This release supports Java code generation.

DAME is a software tool to generate C++ and Java code. DAME works at the level of SQL statements and provides the maximum flexibility in generation of classes. DAME supports multiple databases through a standard interface for C++ and using JDBC bridges for Java.

Currently, DAME is packaged with C++ libraries for Oracle(TM), Postgresql and MySQL.

Posted by Dakshinamurthy Karra 2003-02-02

MySQL Support for DAME added - V 1.0.1

DAME 1.0.1 is released on 29th Jan 2003. This release adds support for MySQL database. DAME is a tool to generate C++ classes out of SQL statements.

Posted by Dakshinamurthy Karra 2003-01-28

DAME - Database Access Made Easy 1.0 Released

DAME is a tool to directly convert SQL statements to C++ classes. If you are finding that writing database access code is tedious, error prone and downright boring... DAME is for you.
Dame 1.0 supports Oracle, Postgresql databases currently. Work commenced on MySQL and the support should be available shortly. The DAME primer is also available at the project web site

Posted by Dakshinamurthy Karra 2003-01-27