

Regualar Commands:

Teaching how to join the list

  • !howto
    • This command will simply have D3Kbot output instructions on how to join the list

Joining the list

  • !joinlist
  • !joinlist <IGN> Example: !joinlist Deven3000
    • This is what allows you and your users to get added to the waiting list
    • NOTE: Once a user has joined the list at least once, D3Kbot will always use the name the user originally signed up as

Leaving the list

  • !dropspot
    • This lets the user remove themself from the list

Setting/Viewing stages

  • !stage
    • D3Kbot will list out the legal stages that the caster has set for the current game
  • !stage <stage> Example: !stage Battlefield
    • Will set your stage

Where you are on the list

  • !spot
    • D3Kbot will return the position you are on the list

Who is who?

  • !whois <name>
    • D3kbot will return the twitch name tied with the name
    • Example:
      • My Twitch is TwitchUser789
      • My PSN is Deven3000. So Deven3000 is what would show up on the list
      • !whois Deven3000 will return TwitchUser789

Checking if the list is open or closed

  • !liststat
    • D3Kbot will output the status of the list on whether it is OPEN or CLOSED

  • !list
    • D3Kbot will output a link to the list
      NOTE: This is only if the broadcaster has set the list link

Broadcaster Only Commands:

King of the hill mode or Streamer vs Chat mode

  • !mode
    • This command lets you switch between King of the Hill mode and Streamer vs Chat mode
    • !mode 0 for King of the Hill
    • !mode 1 for Streamer vs Chat

Manual adding to list

  • !add <IGN> Example: !add Deven3000
    • This command lets the broadcaster manually add a player to the waiting list.
      • This is usually used for when someone wants to add their friend to the list.
  • !insert <IGN> <Position> Example: !insert Deven3000 1
    • This command allows the broadcaster to add someone to the list at any postion in the list
      • If you use this command with a IGN that is already on the list, it will simply move the IGN
    • Example: !insert Deven3000 1 will move Deven3000 to the top of the list
    • Example: !insert Deven3000 6 will move Deven3000 to the 6th position on the list

Renaming users

  • !rename <twitch> <newName> Example: !rename twitchUser769 deven3000
  • This will update the name attached to included twitch.
  • So D3kbot remembers users names based on the twitch they joined with and then ignores newer names users try to join with.
    • So if i join as Deven3001, the bot will remember my name as Deven3001. I will not be able to join as any other name. So if now the bot knows me as Deven3001 and that was a mistake; my name is actually Deven3000. to avoid abuse of the list, the bot doesn't allow users to change their names. BUT the caster can rename users.

Manual removing from list

  • !remove <IGN> Example: !remove Deven3000
    • This command lets the broadcaster manually remove a player from the waiting list.
    • You can also drop names by their position on the list
      • Example: !remove #4
        • This will remove the 4th name on the list.

Setting Current Game being played

  • !game <game> Example: !game Smash4WiiU
    • D3Kbot will change the current game
    • This command is really for setting your list of legal stages


  • !stageon
    • Turns ON stage selection
  • !stageoff
    • Turns OFF stage selection
  • loadstages
    • Loads stage list from stage file
      • If D3Kbot is able to successfully load stages, it will turn stage selection ON
Creating a stage list
  • Just as any information, it will be found in the data folder
  • The stage file name will include the name of the game it's associated with
    • So if the game is SSBU, the stage file will be SSBU_stages.txt
    • If the game was PSA, the stage file will be PSA_stages.
    • NOTE: if the file does not exist, that means you have change the current game
      • when a game is set, D3Kbot will attempt to read a stage list from said file, if the file does not exist, D3Kbot will create a blank file with the correct name.
  • So open the stage file of the game you want to edit
    • Example File contents for Smash4WiiU
      Final Destination|FD
      Town and City,T&C|TC
      Lylat Cruise,Lylat|LC
      Delfino Plaza,Delfino|DP
      Castle Siege,Castle|CS
      Duck Hunt|DH
      Kongo Jungle 64,Kongo,KJ64|KJ
    • So in this example, the "|" character separates the Stage names from the Abbreviation
      • Stage names on the left of the "|" and the abbreviations on the right
      • This Abbreviations is what will show on the list, so don't make any 2 or more stages have the same abbreviation
    • As you can see on the left of the "|" on some of the stages, there are more than one stage name...
      • You can set multiple accepted stage names; they will be separated by ","
    • NOTE: the first stage in the list will count as the default stage
      • Default stage is the stage that appears next to a users name who has not specified a stage
    • NOTE: All names and abbreviations will be accepted by D3kbot in setting a stage for a user
      • Example for Town and City using the example stage list
        • !stage Town and City
        • !stage T&C
        • !stage TC
      • All of the above would be accepted.
  • Once you have created your stage list in the file, you can type !loadstage and if done correctly, D3Kbot will load them and recite the legal stages in the chat.

Setting Status of the list

  • !liststat <state> Example: !liststat 0
    • Lets you change the state of the list. 0 will close it and 1 will open it.
    • You can now alternatively use the commands !openlist and !closelist to open and close the list respectively

Advancing the list

  • !next *This command only works in Streamer vs Chat Mode*
    • Advances the list removing the topmost name

Picking a winner

  • !p1/!p2 *This command only works in King of the Hill mode*
    • This command is how you tell D3Kbot who has won the current match.
      • !p1 means the first name has won
      • !p2 means the second name has won

Bot promotion delay

  • !promo <minutes> Example: !promo 25
    • This will set the delay for how long the interval for D3Kbot self promotes
    • Minimum time is 10 minutes and Maximum time is 75 minutes (1hr 15min)

Turn off the Kappas

  • !emotes (on|off) Example: !emotes off
    • Can turn on or off emotes for D3Kbot

Total match limit

  • !setMatchLimit <Amount> Example: !setMatchLimit 50
    • This will let you set a limit on the amount of matches that are projected to happen. The list will automatically close when the projected match number is met
      • you can set this limit to any amount.
      • if you set it to 0 it will be unlimited

Win limit

  • !setStreak <Amount> Example: !setStreak 2 *This command only works in King of the Hill mode*
    • This will allow you to change the win streak a player if you wish to prevent a large Win-Stream

Setting the sets

  • !setcount <Amount> Example !setcount 2 *This command only works in King of the Hill mode*
    • This determines how many games need to be won to win a set
      • If you want best of 3, that is the same as first to 2 so you would write !setcount 2

Clearing the list

  • !wipelist
    • This will destroy the current list

Stopping D3Kbot

  • !stop
    • This will shut D3Kbot down with also wiping the current list


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