
D20 DND / News: Recent posts


Due to unforeseen circumstances our new update has been delayed but should be completed by the end of this month.

Posted by kingjpc 2009-06-04

New Update Soon!!

There is a new update due within the next 5 weeks. It will fix a few errors we have discovered and will add some new functionality(basic equipment form, and possibly more).

Posted by kingjpc 2009-04-15

Bug Under Wine

The program no longer runs under wine as it cant handle OLE Containers. We will be releasing a seperate version for wine that will fix this problem as soon as we can.

Posted by kingjpc 2009-04-05

New Update Released

Version 1.0.5 now released, two new forms "Map Maker" and "Combat Manager"

Posted by kingjpc 2009-03-23

New Update On its Way

We are currently building A map creator to allow the design of Dungeons. Also on the way is a battle manager that can load the maps and manage monsters and players including health, intiative and Armour Class.

Posted by kingjpc 2009-03-22