
Tree [a66012] master 0.1.1_alpha /

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File Date Author Commit
 img 2016-03-09 John Merigliano John Merigliano [8332f4] added TBA items and image to readme
 tests 2016-03-10 John Merigliano John Merigliano [15fa64] refactoring and test ->
 .gitignore 2016-03-08 John Merigliano John Merigliano [8b419d] brushing up on gui 2016-03-10 John Merigliano John Merigliano [15fa64] refactoring and test ->
 LICENSE.txt 2016-02-29 John Merigliano John Merigliano [5838fb] initial project commit 2016-03-10 John Merigliano John Merigliano [15fa64] refactoring and test -> 2016-03-10 John Merigliano John Merigliano [a66012] code cleanup; added new class

Read Me

Cycle Plus One - ALPHA -

in development

Cycle Plus One is a musical pattern generator that can be used to explore interesting sonic experiences. Using a fixed rhythmic profile, a steady eighth note pulse, you can experiment with tonality and density within a specified cycle of beats. The application can help composers create a matrix of tones that can be exported as MIDI or musical XML. From there, the material can be worked with further in a sequencing or music notation program. Cycle Plus One is meant to be a starting point for experimentation, allowing the composer to play with variation using a minimal amount of musical material.





Any number of pitches can be chosen chromatically from C3 to B3. These tones are an octave below middle C (C4).

Current Note

The current note is the note the user has dialed in. This determines which line of music is subject to the shifting process (see below).


A measure of music generated by the additive rhythmic structure. The number refers to the length of the cycle in eighth note beats. The following chart defines the rhythmic cycles used:

![rhythmic cycles]


This option will create a bass support line. Options are on or off.


The shift option allows the user to create rhythmic variety between the systems by shifting the pattern forward. You can shift the figures foward until they reach their initial position.


The tempo can be adjusted at runtime between 40 and 400 BPM.



  • a graphical instance of the current musical system
  • the current pitch dialed in
  • the current tempo
  • the current cycle number
  • bass option status
  • current density level



  • a dial that allow you to choose a pitch and set it
  • the pitch choices are C3 to B3
  • add and remove buttons


  • a button that will shift the line one step forward The line is chosen by the current note selection. If a note is selected that is not in the current system, no shift will occur.


  • an input that will accept values from 40 to 400 BPM


  • button will reset options


  • begins the process


  • ends the process

Operating Instructions


API Documentation


Ref (to be removed)

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