
general prefs: user-agent spoofing

  • sandax

    sandax - 2014-08-04

    default option is "Manually", and default header string is displayed as a blank field.
    This scenario is misleading/confusing, because CD is (with default settings) in fact populating the request header (vs, as user might mistakenly presume, "leaving it blank")

    Further confusion will ensue if user changes... then later wishes to "reset" it and use the true/accurate/original string. User does not know/rememeber what that (factory default) string value should be.

    I suggest that initially (post-install) the text field should display the factory default string rather than displaying blank...
    ...and suggest providing a "reset" button enabling user to restore the factory default string value.

  • Stefan Fröberg

    Stefan Fröberg - 2014-08-04

    Sounds good to me. Will add TODO list


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