
flash :click to play" placeholder is missing or not working

  • sandax

    sandax - 2014-08-02
    Flash Player Enabled? ! True
    Click-To-Play Placeholder ✔ True

    I searched the various prefs tabs & cannot find a flash-related pref.
    Ability to set "click to play" is a "must have" feature, IMO.

    Visiting youtube pages, the videos are immediately starting... so, if click to play is supposedly present in CD 1.6.4, it's not working as intended.

    • Stefan Fröberg

      Stefan Fröberg - 2014-08-02

      Tested with firefox 31.0 and gives same results as CD.
      For both leaktest and YouTube videos autostarting.
      So either the leaktest itself is buggy or maybe some script is blocked with both CD and firefox.

      Can you test with vanilla (without extensions or extensions disabled) firefox and see if there is any
      "click to play" ?

      As for flash pref, the only pref right now is either enabling or disabling plugins. And for YouTube you will need to have JavaScript enabled

      Update: I went even so far that I tested YouTube with IE 11 (ugh!). And no click to play or anything, just immediate autostart of video.

      Maybe YouTube has made some changes?


      Last edit: Stefan Fröberg 2014-08-02
  • sandax

    sandax - 2014-08-02

    bubba, I only used the term "click to play" because I expected it is widely recognizable.
    Will i test... vanilla? Not today. The only time I touch current, "release channel" firefox is when I've booted to a non-persistent LiveUSB linux session.

    I won't touch WebRTC -enabled browsers with a long stick, and am running ff v20
    (no HealthReporting, no prefetching, "social" shite disabled in preefs, no autoUpdate check. In fact, sadly, after growing weary of battling newly added mothership callouts across each incremental ff version, I'm employing a proxy to flat-out block any connection attempts to mozilla.* domains).

    The functionality I'm describing is provided (for me, in ff usage) by the "Flashblock" addon.
    However, it's been available natively in ff since way back when (2008)
    ( see )
    I'm simply unwilling to "trust" mozilla by relying on the native pref ~~ dare not hope to set-n-forget something via preferences b/c ff has a track record of often surreptitiously reverting your non-default prefs (even during out-of-band "minor version" updates) ...

    ...and mozilla has a record of vacillating, caving, reneging, across versions
    Mozilla to enable Click to Play for all Firefox plugins by default, except the latest Flash version


    desired functionality is a set of prefs to toggle between:

    -- allow flash content to immediately load
    -- "click to play" (placeholder is displayed for any flash content element(s) in a page)
    -- disallow flash content (never load)

    When disallowed, probably advisable to display a static placeholder, to avoid wrecking page layout.
    (Later, user might beg "element hiding helper" functionality to hide/collapse placeholders for particular URLs)



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