
Cyanide / News: Recent posts

Preview Screenshot available

Jesus has finished the work on a preview screenshot of the new graphics. Take a look at

Posted by Christian Reitwiessner 2002-11-14

Client version 1.1.2 released

Reality-Python version 1.1.2 has been released. This will hopefully be the last release before the quantum leap to the new XML cellless Client (which will be version 1.2), that can also do without the C module.

Posted by Christian Reitwiessner 2002-11-11

Internal Webserver ready

The new internal webserver has been implemented. Try it out at

Posted by Christian Reitwiessner 2002-11-11

Chess Engine almost finished

At the moment, we are implementing the ability to play Chess inside of Cyanide. Including a rating system and non-realtime games.

Posted by Christian Reitwiessner 2002-11-11

Going Unstable

In order to realize some brand new ideas and features (mainly redesigning the graphics and the communication protocol), we will make the currenct CVS tree unstable, both the server and the client CVS versions should be likely to not work. Reality-python_1.1.1 is the last stable version before 1.2.0.

Posted by Christian Reitwiessner 2002-09-06

Capitalism starts

Every guest in cyanide now gets as welcome gift a money bag with 50 Silberlinge (5 Kreuzer)! (The names of the coins are still german, I was not that creative yet to invent english names...)
Soon, there will also be shops where you can buy land, animals, meat, weapons, ...

Posted by Christian Reitwiessner 2002-07-15

AI is running

The first basic AI is currently woking. A PotatoVillageInhabitant fetches potatoes from the fields, brings them to the fire, lights the fire, cooks the potatoes and eats them. Unfortunately, many graphics are missing, so you won't be able to see a fire...

Posted by Christian Reitwiessner 2002-06-26

bug in newest release version of reality

I'm sorry, but there was a small bug in the current version of reality, so that some modules could not be imported. Please download the new fixed version again.

Posted by Christian Reitwiessner 2002-06-25

reality-python_1.0.0 release

We have reached a stable state for the client, and it is as functional as the old Java client, but much faster and better-looking. Download it and enjoy!

Posted by Christian Reitwiessner 2002-06-24

AI is being implemented

We are starting to implement a goal based artificial intelligence for the NPCs. The first AI is fairly simple, the NPCs get potatoes from potatoe plants (which also grow and multiply), roast them on a fire and eat them.
But I think this engine is quite powerful.

Posted by Christian Reitwiessner 2002-06-21

reality-python_1.0.0-pre1 released

Yes, the new client is almost stable! Download it, connect to the server at and have fun!

Posted by Christian Reitwiessner 2002-06-13

first screenshots available

The first screenshots are available now on the <a href="">project homepage</a>. Have a look and then download the software ;-)

Posted by Christian Reitwiessner 2002-05-29

new client almost finished

The new client now has almost all features a cyanide client needs. And I pushed it up to 50 fps on a recent laptop. Here on my old desktop, it runs at 30 fps, so I think the engine is fast enough. You can check it out from cvs and try it, but be warned, it takes some effort to compile, and it is not fully stable.

Posted by Christian Reitwiessner 2002-05-25

New client

I have decided to write a new, faster client with better graphics. I have started to implement it in python with c for the inner graphics loops. It runs pretty well. I have also decided to burn multithreading and multiservering, it is all evil ;-) Instead I want to devide cpu intensive taks across steps, but not transparently.

Posted by Christian Reitwiessner 2002-05-13

24h uptime at

The server will be on 24 hours from now. It is still only on an ISDN line, but we will move to DSL in the near future.

Posted by Christian Reitwiessner 2001-06-25