
Finally I had some time to think about fights. I think we'll use real-time fights, because they are very common now, so I think they are better (for the players) than round-based fights.
Due to the lag, I think it would be better to define some actions before the real fight begins (keep on attacking until interrupted, speak a certain spell all 4 attacks, ...) and change those actions while the fight goes on.

Then there are some decisions to be made about how a fight takes place:
I worked out two extremes, the first is to simply have a fixed time for every character between two attacks. Then there is a probability that the attack fails, between to attacks there can be one defense which can also fail (so when you are attacked by three characters, you can only defend one time). If the defense fails or if there is no defense at all, it depends on the weapon, the character holding the weapon and the armour of the attacked character how much damage points the character gets.
(Puh, and that was the simple solution...)

The other solution is having certain time values for striking out, raising the shield, getting the sword into defense, ... And those values are different depending on the weapon and on the character. So if one char attacks and you are not in defense, the defense fails. If you are too slow, you cannot defend at all. If you are hit, there should be some delay before you can attack again and so on.

So the second solution is the more realistic solution but it is also much more complex. The first solution is the one that is generally used in table-top-RPGs (I took DSA (german TTRPG), I do not know how different it is with other RPGs)

What are your opinons? Should I explain some things better? And what about spells? Any idea?
Should we take some table-top-RPG and simply convert that into a online rpg?

Awaiting your posts.

ah, and awaiting your mails if you cannot post:
christian at reitwiessner.de

