
Animation Storage

  • Christian Reitwiessner


    Can you think of any form of animation storage? I have thought about something similar to animated gifs but in seperate files.



    • Christian Reitwiessner

      Ok, I have thought a bit and here are my results:

      Animations consist of single frames, the image data is stored on the webserver and the animation description (the order of the frames) is in seperate files that are not downloaded via the web server but sent directly from the cyanide server.

      These files should have a XML syntax.
      Here is an example:
      <frame name="frame1" duration="2.1">
      <sprite name="sp1">
      <texture width="32" height="48" file="ball.png"/>
      <vertices type="quad">
      <texcoord u="0" v="0"/>
      <vertex x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
      <texcoord u="1" v="0"/>
      <vertex x="0" y="1" z="0"/>
      <texcoord u="1" v="1"/>
      <vertex x="1" y="1" z="0"/>
      <texcoord u="0" v="1"/>
      <vertex x="0" y="1" z="0"/>
      <jump to="frame1" loops="3"/>

      OK, this is just an example, nothing is fixed yet.
      With some OpenGL background knowledge, I think this should be clear. The jump tag simply jumps to frame1 again after frame1 is done. This is not a good example, the jump does not really make sense if there is only one frame.



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