
#56 Make subcorpora sharable with all users


Subcorpora are a very useful feature that allow different parts of a corpus to be analyzed and contrasted in different ways. Currently, every user who wants to use a specific subcorpus must (re)create it for himself. This has a series of disadvantages:

-- Creating a significant set of subcorpora can take a fair amount of time.

-- Creating subcorpora is subject to human error when multiple variable values must be selected to create them. One wrong click and a user-created subcorpus will represent something other than what the user thinks it represents.

-- It is not possible to standardize user-created subcorpora due to both the previous point and to potential misinterpretations of what a given subcorpus should contain. This jeopardizes replication and comparison.

-- The amount of space taken up by user-created subcorpora can potentially be significant, as it equals the size of the subcorpus x the number of users.

To resolve these issues, I'm requesting that the ability for administrators to share subcorpora with users (and not just subcorpus frequency lists, as is currently the case). This would allow the work required to create subcorpora to be done only once, would guarantee that all users work with the same subcorpora, and would eliminate the issue of multiple copies of subcorpora.


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